Onyx Storm Theory: Who turned venin at the end?

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Written by: Cory

Onyx Storm Theory: Who turned venin at the end?

I woke up in the middle of the night because I couldn’t sleep. Oh, Rebecca Yarros, you are so, so clever. She’s managed to divide the internet into two groups: those who think Bodhi turned venin and those who think Garrick turned. But what if it was Brennan or Aaric? Hear me out, hear me out!

Arguments that it was Brennan

The last chapter convinces us it must be either Garrick or Bodhi because Brennan is right in front of Violet, asking her what’s going on. Who would suspect Brennan, given how surprised he was to see Violet? Oh, this is getting really good.

I think I’ve also figured out The Fable of the Barrens: The Origin. Something tells me it will finally make sense now.

Not going to lie, this might seem like an unhinged theory, but please hear me out. I’m about to take you down a rabbit hole, and it’s going to be so much fun. Grab a cup of tea and get ready. Are you ready?

For this to make sense, we need to go back in time a little.

“And when you come with him, you will remember that I let you live today and choose me, not Berwyn, as your teacher.”
“Besides the fact that he’s subpar and you’d be chained to him, powerless to resist his orders?”

We’re introduced to this Berwyn guy—the Sage. But here’s what’s interesting: Brennan changed his name from Sorrengail, right? Did we ever catch Naolin’s full name? Could it be Naolin Berwyn? Berwyn Naolin? Could Naolin have changed his name to Berwyn?

I have a point here. Why would Violet be powerless to resist Berwyn’s orders? Unless he’s relentlessly coming after Brennan, forcing her to protect her siblings—and making her powerless to resist his orders in the process.

Stay with me. I know it’s a lot, and you might be rolling your eyes, but keep at it. Please give me a chance.

“A general can recognize another general, and that’s their leader,” says Tairn in Fourth Wing. Nice choice of words, Tairn, but could it be you recognize their Sage for an entirely different reason?

Now, you’re probably thinking, Wouldn’t Brennan recognize the guy? But actually, Brennan has never seen him. When Berwyn arrived, Brennan was mending the stone in Basgiath. He never laid eyes on Berwyn.

Also, another interesting point. How could possibly Berwyn know that Xaden will turn for love? Unless he, himself turned for love?

“And you won’t do it for something as trite as power or as easily satiable as greed,” he promises in a whisper, “but for the most illogical of mortal emotions— love. Or you’ll die.” He shrugs. “You both will.”

Now, let’s revisit the conversation between Jack and Xaden:

“Welcome to our fucked-up family. Guess we’re brothers now.”

Brothers. He doesn’t use the word siblings—but brothers.

Fast-forward to when Theophanie asked Xaden to bring Violet and “his brother.” At first, Xaden is confused, but Sgaeyl chimes in to clarify the term “brother.”

You have another who calls you by the name,” Sgaeyl chimes in, her words sharper than her teeth. “Another—”
“She wants Jack.”

Theophanie then says something intriguing:

“And yet you didn’t bring the brother he wanted,” Theophanie sighs. “Berwyn will be disappointed.”
“Yes. Hence the term brother,” Theophanie glances my way. “I won’t make the mistakes with you that Berwyn made with Jack. He spills his Sage’s secrets too easily.”

Are you ready for the kicker? Let’s discuss the ending.

“The bond between Berwyn and me is the kind that should never exist, and now that my Sage has another sibling he can use against me…I’m screwed.”

Read it again. Slowly. Do you feel the goosebumps?

The wording here is deliberate: He has another sibling he can use against him. Berwyn never used Jack against Xaden—but he did use Violet against Xaden. Another sibling…(another one of the siblings!)

Thank you to Zuzle, in the comments below who pointed out that Berwyn used Violet against Xaden and literally forced him to turn. Plus Theo did say before that Violet is the “leash” right? Against Xaden.

So how could Xaden have another sibling Berwyn could use against him? It’s Brennan! Berwyn used Violet, and now he’s using Brennan.

Berwyn recently killed a dragon with a dagger and wants to kill Sgaeyl. He said, “You’ll have to channel deep to replace the loss of her power.” Venin usually control dragons (like Varrish) or kill them to remove wards (like Baide). But dragons are a great power source—so why kill them? This feels personal. Berwyn wants to kill dragons because his own dragon severed their bond. Tairn. Killing Sgaeyl would hurt Tairn deeply.

My theory is that Tairn broke the bond with Naolin to save him when Naolin was trying to save Brennan. And it stands!

“I glance past Berwyn, past Sgaeyl and the venin, to my new brother […] How could he do this? Choose this after watching me stumble and fall over the last five months? How could he willingly walk the path I’ve fought like hell to leave? He’s the last person I ever would have expected to turn, and yet here we are.”

The last person. Someone who’s been watching Xaden for the past five months. Let’s recap who knows since December: Violet, Bodhi, Garrick, Imogen …and Brennan.

Later, Mira finds out. But this is our Easter egg: Brennan already knew.

“Like I’m the dangerous one?” She flips the dagger in readiness to throw, and power rushes into me. “Brennan, are you—”
“Don’t,” my brother says softly.
Mira pauses and turns at the tone of his voice, understanding creeping over her face. “You knew?”

Want even more proof?

Xaden. I can’t mend him, Vi. I tried every day that he was here last week.”
“You know.”
“I know.”

Brennan knew. He’s known for months. And now, Berwyn has another sibling to use against Xaden. And it’s Brennan. Likely because of love—maybe he recognized Berwyn as Naolin, or Berwyn promised to take him to Naolin.

And Violet? She’s healed, and she has a ring on her finger. Who else but Brennan, the venin sibling with conveniently amber eyes, could have mended her without revealing himself?

Xaden married Violet to protect her from Brennan. Making her Duchess means she outranks Brennan and doesn’t answer to him.

And for the grand finale:

“But it was the third brother, who commanded the sky to surrender its greatest power, who finally vanquished his jealous sibling at a great and terrible price.”

It won’t be Mira. It’ll be Violet who vanquishes the jealous sibling. The terrible price? Killing her own brother.

And that’s it! My most unhinged theory to date, but I stand by it. It’s not Bodhi. It’s not Garrick. It’s Brennan. Xaden said “new brother”—or should I say “brother-in-law”?

Arguments that it was Bodhi who turned

New information given to us by Rebecca Yarros during her Q&A tour. When asked if she can provide us with any information about the new brother who turned, she said to pay attention to who is missing at the end.

Also, that whoever turned, it had feelings of inadequacy. They wanted more power. It’s always the case with venin. They turn because they need more power. The issue here is that when you read the book over and over, it’s always Bodhi that feels inadequate. Rebecca Yarros herself stated that he was raised to be the spare. We can tell that from the conversations Xaden has with Bodhi. Bodhi is missing…it does feel like he was the one who turned right?

“Anything I should know about?” Bodhi asks, two lines appearing
between his brows as Mira slings her pack from her shoulder.
“We’re good,” Brennan assures him as the foursome turns the corner and disappears.
“Good to feel needed,” Bodhi mutters, stepping closer as Mira
completes our own huddle. “Guess we’ll be taking the patrol, Imogen.”

Well, Bodhi certainly feels upset.

“I’m just glad you recognize you might have to,” he interrupts.
“We’ll find a cure,” I promise with far more certainty than I feel.
Bodhi’s mouth tightens. “I’d kill to go, but you need to take Garrick
with you.”
Neither of us say what he means.
Take Garrick in case you don’t.

Same thing, see? Bodhi is always…second.

Do you remember Iron Flame?

After Liam, Bodhi was and still is the closest thing I have to a brother, perpetually tagging along a step behind.

Well, perpetually tagging along a step behind. Is this perhaps the biggest clue that it was Bodhi who turned? A step behind, right?

“Sometimes I forget just how nearly perfect Bodhi is at everything,” I say to Xaden. No one thought of him during Battle Brief yesterday, and he should have been the first name that came to mind. Countering signets might not be the best offensive tool, but damn if it isn’t a hell of a defense.

Well? Even Violet forgot about how “nearly” perfect he is. Always the spare, always the second one.

“Absolutely not.” Shadows gather around Xaden’s boots. “You can’t
just take Cuir and leave school because you decide you’re fully educated.
You have to graduate.”
Wait. Bodhi wants to drop out?
“Says who?” Bodhi challenges.
“Besides the Empyrean and every regulation recorded?” The shadows spread. “Me!”

You can sense some tension here, right? Also, turning venin is a sure way to NOT have to go back to Basgiath and graduate.

“Because I’m now first in line?” There’s more than a little sarcasm in Bodhi’s response.
“Yes!” The shadows flee, racing for the walls.
“I’m not your backup plan.” Bodhi retreats two steps, then looks down the table at Brennan and me before glaring at Xaden. [..] I will stand by your side and be your right-fucking-hand for the rest of our lives, but if you want a member of our family to
hold that seat”—he points to the throne—“you’d better hold your own shit together.”

And finally.. do you remember when Bodhi was by Violet’s side wanting to help her and fight besides her? Well Violet told him no. Cuir removed Bodhi from there as well.

Violet then says “Tyrrendor’s succession is safe, but there’s no time to feel even an ounce of relief.

But just moments later…

Cuir flies lower in formation, all picking off wyvern trying to dart by the city on their way to the valley beyond. Rhi and the rest of the squad will stop them before they get to the pass. Wait…Cuir? “Isn’t Bodhi supposed to be—”
“We all make our own decisions.”

Finally, we learn about Bodhi from Imogen’s POV.

Rain beats against the glass of my goggles as Glane climbs toward the three wyvern trying their best to rip Cuir apart.


Another lump of gray falls in a blur ahead of us, and I look up to see Cath and Cuir descending toward us. There’s a hole in Cuir’s right wing, and the laceration on his chest is going to leave a scar, but I can’t tell at this angle if Bodhi is wounded.

Later in the book, from Xaden’s POV we learn that there is an unconscious dragon guarded by seven wyverns and the new brother. Just above, Cuir seemed very much alive and conscious. Or is there more to this timeline?

Arguments that it was Garrick who turned

It never occurred to me that Garrick could be feeling inadequate. In fact, he’s always quite fun and the dynamic feels right. The only inadequacy that I can imagine here is that he was the one running out of “fuel” given that he was very tired and barely “walking” as seen from Imogen POV. He could have reached, of course…

Because if you remember ““I haven’t seen him since yesterday,” she says, her voice low, almost monotone. “Lieutenant Tavis?” “Among the missing,”[…]

We also have […]”I look away from what’s likely a fatal wound on a severed tail on a large brown.” But we know it’s not Garrick’s. Because minutes later he walks Imogen to Trissa.

But then, we also learn this: “I can’t walk again. Even if I made it to Aretia, I’d never be strong enough to get back,” he calls over his shoulder. “So, I’d better find some fucking way to do something.”

Garrick has always been Xaden’s second in command. But something just tells me it wasn’t him.

Arguments that it was Aaric who turned

Of course, some say that it was Aaric who turned. Missing, potentially feeling inadequate? But then again, I don’t feel like it. Aaric is a very confident and fun character. He’s very self assured. I don’t buy it. But when it comes to “another sibling” comment, Aaric does make a lot of sense. But then again, did Aaric know about him being venin at any point?! Certainly not for the last five months, right?

According to some fans, Aaric receiving a broken mirror could signify a “broken soul,” an idea rooted in ancient Roman beliefs. He may have foreseen his role in events, which raises the question of whether his ability to predict the future allows him to alter it.

Molvic has been spotted along the cliffs,” Tain warns as he flares his wings, slowing our momentum.
Fucking Aaric. “If he gets himself killed—”
“He was seen flying south, away from conflict.” He spits every word in disgust.
What in Amari’s name could he be doing? “It’ s not like Aaric to run
“Nor Molvic.”

We do learn later that he comes back

My brows rise as Molvic emerges from one of the southern valleys.“The Spare brings the advance party from Zehyllna.” Tairn’s head
swivels as he relays the information. “A thousand soldiers and their horses.
They landed at the port of Soudra by accident instead of Cordyn and will be here in less than half an hour.”

Is Aaric one of the riders missing at the end? We don’t know. Could it be that Molvic is the unconscious dragon?

“now that my Sage has another sibling he can use against me…I’m screwed.”

The only problem I have with this is that Xaden has always referred to Aaric’s brothers are brothers! And never used the word siblings. Every time he is referring to the Sorrengails, he does use the world “siblings”.

Conclusion: who turned venin at the end of Onyx Storm

Where does this piece of information leaves us, with Brennan being the brother who turned? Well, Rebecca Yarros definitely threw a spanner in the works by telling us to pay attention to who is missing. Because are we thinking about who is missing when? At the very end? Or one of the four who is missing?

When Violet asks about Teine: “Quickly recovering under Brennan’s care at the top of the pass.” Tairn swings me up toward his snout, then tosses me onto his back.

We also learn from Rhi: Tairn flew into the cloud cover
moments before the windstorm hit, carrying Teine in chains and escorted by Marbh, and the last status report from Cath had both Riorson and Durran spotted near the city walls.”

Marbh is very much located, as well as Brennan. But Riorson and Bodhi? BOTH spotted near the city walls.

Honestly, while I would love to say with complete certainty that Brennan was the one who turned, all signs seem to point to Bodhi. This time, I can’t shake the feeling that Rebecca Yarros may have taken mercy on us by making it more obvious, rather than leaving us in the same confusion we felt at the end of Iron Flame—when we discovered Violet has a second signet but couldn’t figure out what it is. Or maybe, just maybe, she’s trying to get us all confused, when really, it’s just Brennan!

One thing’s for sure: I really don’t believe it was Garrick or Aaric. But at this point… who really knows.

Onyx Storm Theories

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115 responses to “Onyx Storm Theory: Who turned venin at the end?”

  1. Hi Cory, I have to think about it after reading the end of OS again. It is complex. It would be very impressive and exciting if Berwyn is Naolin. I’ve just read the scene when Brennan told Violet He couldn’t mend Xaden. There was grief in Brennans voice, like he knows how it feels to lose the Person who you Love.

    1. I agree. That’s one of the things that threw me off as well. He knows!

      1. But we don’t know if he knew for the past 5 months. It could have been a recent development.

        1. Possible, of course. He’s the only one who told Violet that he knows but we don’t know when he found out. I think this was intentional to throw us off.

  2. This! Today I think it IS Brennan. ( First Garric, then Bodhi, yesterday it was Aaric). I basically agree. The use of the word “sibling” makes sense and distinguishes it from “brother.” But it doesn’t really make sense to me that Brewlyn would have used Mira. After all, Theophania used Mira (and she seems more like his rival than an ally). So, in the sense of “another sibling (Sorrengail)” that Brewlyn used against me, it would be Violet. First Violet, and now he has Brennan too If Tairn recognized Naolin and didn’t tell them anything, then he’s a jerk.

    1. YES! I’m so glad you agree because I lost a cycle of rest over it haha.
      You are right, you know. I was dead tired when I wrote it, thinking about Mira while missing the obvious.
      “another sibling” – > obviously Violet. DUH! Berwyn has been using Violet against Xaden all this bloody time!!!

      Hey, we’re friends and all, but I draw the line at insulting my favorite dragon here, ok? 😀 But yeah, that’s a pretty jerk move…

      1. I thought Berwyn had been around for centuries? Time for a re-read! Because then Naolin would be too young to be Berwyn. But you still have me scratching my head about Brennan.
        But didn’t it seem like Xaden knocked out only Berwyn and the “ sibling” with his venin shadows, just 2 people/monsters;) meaning pancheck is the sibling. Pancheck could still be a royal pain in the ass with his rank as far as being used against Xaden…
        Can you tell I don’t want any of the 5 we know to be venin!!!
        My thought was that if pancheck had seen him stumble then Xaden had secrets. Which did make me mad!

        1. “I thought Berwyn had been around for centuries? Time for a re-read! Because then Naolin would be too young to be Berwyn” -> This right here.
          I wonder about it. But then when I read the dreams again in Iron Flame, there are different venin there, it’s not the same dude.
          So I do wonder, can it be Naolin? I don’t know for sure, that part is still a bit…hazy. not going to lie.
          But I’m pretty certain about Brennan. He is the other sibling, Berwyn can use against Xaden.

          Nah, I think Panchek and dirty Daddy Aetos were both venin for a long long time. As Jack said, sages and mavens could fill the hallways and nobody would able to tell. The question is: how do they change their appearance so they don’t have those eyes huh?

          I was never fond of Brennan, so he can venin himself 😛

          1. Hi, Cory!
            My first time at your site, and I love it! I got here by asking Google, “What did Violet ask Imogen to do?” Thank goodness for you since, for some strange reason, I audiobooked Onyx Storm, and my reading comprehension is slightly lower — although the “balance” is that I can get my story fix despite being too busy to read because I can go about doing other things.

            Anyway, I had to chime in for reasons beyond complimenting you, LOL. I too have a theory about the one who became venin and was last person Xaden would expect: Dain Aethos. He supposedly emptied himself out before the battle in order to help Sloane save Mira (although still confused about the handprint), but maybe,
            later on, he reached for the power accidentally and slipped.

            Although his anger and sense of betrayal toward Daddy might have pushed him over beforehand. In fact, if Dain was already venin when Sloane siphoned power and pushed it into Brennan, maybe some of the taint from Dain triggered Brennan’s fall. On that note, I considered something to be off when Brennan was compl.etely all right after “Making” Mira survive a fatal blow — in fact, he told Violet something odd like, “I’m okay. He gave me more than I needed.”
            Anyway, there’s where my thoughts are turning. But after a good night’s sleep, I suspect my mind will be filled with a rabbits’ warren of conflicting and confusing possibilities as I process the story so far and contemplate all the unknowns at this stage in our story!
            Has Yarros implied how many books she thinks will be in the series? I think I will caution my friend who just got the book to hold off on reading it and wait for the next and enjoy them together.

          2. Hi Bethany!

            Welcome to the site, and thank you so much for your kind words! I’m so glad you found your way here—it’s always exciting to connect with fellow fans, especially when diving into all the intricate details of the Empyrean series. Audiobooks are such a great way to experience the story, but I totally get wanting to double-check certain moments—there’s so much happening, and Rebecca Yarros loves layering in those little breadcrumbs!

            Now, your theory about Dain possibly being the unexpected venin? It’s very possible. Do you remember the theory about Cath? How bad was her breath? I think that was a sign of corruption somehow.
            The idea that he could have accidentally tapped into that power, or worse, been driven to it by his emotions surrounding his father, is something I hadn’t fully considered—but now

            I def find that there was so much meaning in the moment Sloane siphoned from Aetos and gave “more than needed” to Brenna. Er…

            As for the series length, Yarros has confirmed it will be a five-book series, so there’s plenty more to come! If your friend has the patience to wait, reading the books together might be a great way to experience the story (and avoid the agonizing cliffhangers). But for those of us who just have to know what happens next… well, the wait is all part of the fun, right?

            This is exactly the kind of theorizing that makes the fandom so much fun. Looking forward to hearing where your thoughts take you after some sleep (or possibly more mind-blown moments).


  3. That Naolin is a venin—I’m practically certain of it by now. I still can’t wrap my head around how Naolin could have made it to General in just five years. Could it be that Tairn recognized him and didn’t say a word?

    1. I mean as you said yourself, if Tairn recognized him and didn’t say a word…
      But then again, they advance based on merit right? That’s what Jack said. Not like in the ranks of Navarre.
      So chances are, Naolin is exceptionally powerful.

  4. Wow. What a theory!!!! The more I read, the more you have convinced me. I thought no way it could be Bodhi, that was too easy. But could it really be Brennan? I almost think it’d be TOO good, it’d make for a really great story. Personally, I don’t think that ties in with the theory of Naolin being Berwyn very well, and it would make me bummed that Violet would have to defeat her brother, BUT what a GREAT story that would make!!!

    1. I trust RY 100% that she will make it amazing. Either way. But I lost a cycle of rest over this, reading over and over and over and I’m convinced. I now cannot for Book 4 to see if I’m right.

  5. And maybe that’s why her dad said to only trust Mira in his research/letter! (Unless I’m remembering incorrectly.) Not because he thought his son was dead, but because he knew his son could not be trusted.

    1. It’s fun isn’t it? Trust only Mira. And just how true is that? Of course, the fact that Brennan was considered dead doesn’t help here “If I now walk alongside Malek with your brother[..]”
      But I’m certain this is us needing to read between the lines. Trust only Mira!

  6. I have always had a strange feeling about Brennan, I do think your idea of him being Venin is a really good theory. Brennan was constantly there the last 5 months watching everything Xaden went through. It has seemed throughout the books that Brennan is someone that X does trust, so the idea of B turning “evil” is sad. It isn’t completely out of the realm of things and I do think it is important to also note that Lillith said multiple times Violet and Mira would need to be able to trust and depend on each other

    1. I think he was always off…There was always something off. He always seemed to care for Violet, mending Violet, being there for us. But also not.
      He is a brilliant strategist. And I think he strategized and will continue to do so to protect his interests.

      And I would rather not sound cruel, because I do understand Brennan’s rationale for not returning: but he kinda abandoned his sisters ONCE, when they were in need. I don’t think he will have any issues, doing it again.

  7. Ok but wait! When Brennan is healing Mira through Sloan/Dain Vi notices as he walks away that he doesn’t have a mark on his neck—further solidifying your theory that Brennan is the one that turned.

    1. I think that was there to show us that Sloane didn’t leave a mark on either of them: not Dain nor Brennan. No? Did you interpret this differently?

  8. I really like this theory because I can’t get the scene out of my head (chapter 59) where Brennan heals Mira. After Brennan heals Mira, Violet asks if he is all right and Brennan says “Mairi gave me a little more than she needed to. I’m fine.” — what if Brennan turned just because he liked the feeling of having more power? Or what if he wasn’t drawing power from Sloane/Dain at all and was pulling from the earth instead. Because a few lines later Violet says “I watch as Brennan walks away. Weird. There’s no mark at the back of his neck like he carries on his palm. There hadn’t been one on Dain’s wrist, either”. Dain played along as if power had been pulled from his wrist so was he aware of what Brennan was doing? I don’t blame Sloane because she wouldn’t know what she was/wasn’t doing because she didn’t train her signet at all.

    1. Well, I mean it could be. Maybe he did like having extra power. Or maybe he saw Berwyn who might be Naolin. Or Maybe Berwyn convinced him to turn to bring him to Naolin.
      So many variables here.

      So wait “There’s no mark at the back of his neck like he carries on his palm.” -> Do we think this is a new mark?

      1. In iron flame, Violet noticed a rune shaped scar on Brennan’s palm. Dain also has the handprint from Jack.

        So I don’t think this mark is left from a siphon, but does happen when a venin draws from you.

        So yes- maybe Naolin loved Brennan and he turned venin while trying to save him after the battle.

        They say Naolin burnt out, but maybe Brennan is just covering for him.

        I do think Brennan is the most likely candidate for the newest ‘brother’- it’s either him or Ridoc or Sawyer, but my instinct is it isn’t them.

        Xaden would be more outraged if it was Garrick or Bohdi and he wouldn’t feel uncomfortable referring to them as his brothers.

        But then again- who is Berwyn’s son that Pancheck mentioned? Is it Jack? If so, he’s most likely not Naolin…

        I don’t know what I think now…

        1. Yes -> https://www.empyreanriders.com/articles/onyx-storm-theory-who-exactly-is-berwyn/
          I initially thought it’s Bodhi. It would make a lot of sense since Xaden married Violet “urgently” to give her Tyrrendor.
          But nope, I don’t think so. It was Brennan. I know it in my soul.

          I agree also, Xaden seems frustrated? But not outraged.

          I think the “other son” is Jack, yes. I think they become a gross dark family with bonds.

          1. See I interpreted ‘son’ as a biological connection- because he refers to Xaden as ‘my initiate’ not ‘son’… but if that were true, I have no idea who the son is.

            I had a thought about Brennan though- I’m assuming that the new brother turned during the battle- yes? And Brennan would have had to return to Aretia fairly quickly afterwards. If he had turned only a few hours prior- he would still have the (faint) red rings around his eyes. Surely someone would have noticed?

            So maybe the person who turned is one of the 3 riders still missing. We only know Garrick is one, no clue on the other two.

            Something else I recalled: during the battle, Xaden was summoned south of Draithus by Berwyn. Aaric was seen flying south prior to the battle starting (this was noted but not explained).

            I thought it couldn’t be Aaric because he didn’t know about Xaden, but now I’m questioning it… maybe being around Xaden and seeing him struggle with his emotions was enough? Maybe he saw Berwyn was going to be there and thought he could stop him? He did repeatedly try to fight in Unnbriel…

            Or maybe we’re just overthinking it and it is Bohdi after all 😂

          2. Oh but that’s the cool thing about Brennan. He has amber eyes! Already!
            But yeah, I see your point. Hmm…
            Do we really think that RY would go down the easy way? And turn Bodhi or Garrick? It feels…easy!
            Many people think it was Aaric actually, who turned. But then again, Xaden’s comments about “his new brother” who stood by his side, seeing him struggle for all the past 5 months..

          3. I do wonder if we’re all trying to discover “the secret” and it’s just Bodhi. Done. haha

          4. Amber eyes or not, he would still have red rings around them if he’d just channeled for the first time. It’s literally the ONLY thing making me doubt it’s him.

            It would be different if he had been venin for ages and was already past initiate stage- then he’d be able to hide it. But then he wouldn’t be a ‘new’ brother.

            I do think Bodhi and Garrick are the easy options, but then I haven’t read enough of RY’s work to know whether she is skilled enough as a writer to really twist perceptions.

            The only other options of people who knew are Ridoc- who you could argue seemed more powerful during the battle; or Sawyer, who might feel he needed an edge now that he’s less than whole. But neither of those justify the urgent marriage.

            The need for the wedding always leads me back to Brennan or Bohdi.

            Unless, someone else knew that WE didn’t know about.

            I mean Xaden told Brennan (without Violet being privy to the conversation until later)- what if he told someone else too? Someone like Felix???

          5. Apparently, in one of the interviews, RY did say to pay attention to who is missing.
            A lot of people say Aaric.
            FELIX??? Wait a second.
            The last person who expected to turn. It could be. Another sibling? Felix has a sibling…Suri, right?
            Did Felix know tho? That he is venin? I cannot imagine that he did.

          6. I’m just saying, it really could be anyone that Xaden might trust. 98% of the story is from Violet’s POV and we didn’t know that Brennan knew about Xaden turning until Brennan said something to her. It’s possible Xaden told someone else and didn’t mention it… it would be a fairly easy way of stumping the readers.

            I have to say, upon re-read I don’t think it’s Brennan. When Tairn returned to Violet during the battle he said that Brennan was busy mending Teine at the top of the pass.

            I also don’t think he would leave Mira in the state she was.

            I’m not saying there isn’t more going on with Brennan than meets the eye. I definitely think he’s keeping secrets. I just don’t think he’s the one who turned anymore. I think he’s just covering for Naolin.

            And again, I do think Xaden would be more outraged if it was Bodhi or Garrick.

            Bit the need for a hasty wedding doesn’t make sense for it to be Ridoc or Sawyer. So I’m left thinking it was someone with authority who may have known without it being explained to the reader.

            Or it’s Aaric 🤪

      2. I think the lack of marks is meant solely to show that siphons don’t leave marks when they use their power. Which means that Brennan’s rune scars are NOT from siphoning as previously assumed. My guess is that Brennan did actually die and Naolin channeled from the earth to resurrect him (remember his changed name meant resurrected). The rune scars imbue Brennan with life much like runestones do in the wyvern. I think if venin-Naolin (possibly Berwyn) dies then so too does Brennan. This is also why Brennan is not scared about Xaden being venin and can sympathize with Vi about her lover being venin (because his was too).

        At least that was all my thoughts before I read your Brennan turned venin theory. It’s certainly intriguing and very clever; something that I will surely obsess over for the next week and during re-reads :). But I don’t think both theories can be true. Currently, I’m inclined to lean away from Brennan turned venin because he was flying Mira and Tiene back to Aretia around that time and I don’t think he could have been in both places at once (and also Mira would have been in that scene in Xadens POV). Or am I misremembering the timeline? Will definitely have to reread and this theory will be in the back of my mind the whole time!

        1. Hi Brooke, this is a great theory!
          I agree about Sloane. I think when venin drain, they leave marks. When siphons do, they do not.
          There has been a lot of emphasis on the little stones inside wyvern, so the point that Naolin did resurrect Brennan and put those runes on him? Ugh, scary.
          But also, how could Naolin know? Runes were not taught at Basgiath, right? Both Naolin and Brennan went to fight against Fen’s rebellion.
          So this opens up a whole new can of worms (in a good way, let’s brainstorm!)

          Before you do the re-read, who do you feel turn? Bodhi?

  9. ““Not yet. And four on one hardly seems fair.” Theophanie glances at Brennan, then Bodhi. “I didn’t ask for either of you to attend.””

    I thought it was Brennan too but Brennan is with Violet and Xaden in the field when they first meet with Theophanie and she says they didn’t bring the brother he wanted. But Brennan was there so it couldn’t be him.

    1. She was asking for Jack. So she can kill him. I don’t think Theo knows more than she needs to know.
      As for Brennan, I think he turned at the end. Otherwise Xaden would have been able to “sense” him. UNLESS, that rune on Brennan’s palm and his amber ass eyes have been lying to us for ages and he’s been a giant venin for ages. But then again, I feel like Theo would have said something.

  10. We need a scene with Tairn and Berwyn to find out if Naolin and Berwyn are the same persons. I think Tairn hasn’t seen Naolin again so far in the books. It seems Andarna could see Violets dreams, but Tairn not. If Berwyn is Naolin and he got venin to save Brennan perhaps he wants to get healed as well to go back to Brennan?That would be suprising. I remember Berwyn wants to have something from Xaden. What could that be?

    1. Only in FW we have that. When Tairn made that comment. But apart from that, neither Tairn nor Brennan have seen him…But Sgaeyl did, right?
      I mean Sgaeyl must have known or seen Naolin.
      Why wouldn’t they tell Tairn? (and by they I mean Xaden and Sgaeyl)
      Edit: Tairn was there with Xaden watching the whole thing and fighting when Violet was with Brennan mending the stone. Yeah, he saw him again…

      Or does the same apply “we do not speak of the ones who came before?”

    2. Tairn was definitely there when Xaden fought with Berwyn in Basgiath. Xaden describes it in his chapter.

    3. Bodhi turned venin, the new brother. Yarros is brutal with her characters, always willing to sacrifice to advance the story. Up through the first two books until the last chapters of Onyx Storm, Bodhi pretty much goes along with whatever Xaden wants. Suddenly they conflict openly with Xaden wanting an heir and Bodhi wanting to be a warrior. More importantly, Bodhi discovers his signet, reversing other signets, does not work against venin and he doesn’t have a second signet , so no magic to fight with in this war.

      1. Team Bodhi? 😀 I agree that Bodhi realized his signet is pretty pointless. I just feel like Bodhi is the “obvious” solution. But of course, totally possible.

  11. Tairn was definitely there when Xaden fought with Berwyn in Basgiath. Xaden describes it in his chapter.

    1. Tairn was. Just Brennan wasn’t. I was trying to explain that Brennan hadn’t seen the guy.

  12. Love this theory!! I have to agree especially since Naolin had/has siphon signet and Sloane is the balance.

    My question is wasn’t Naolin Tairn’s previous rider? Wouldn’t they recognize the Sage Berwyn as Naolin (Sgaeyl, Tairn, Xaden, other dragons) or has his appearance been so distorted? Is that why Tairn didn’t die, because Naolin was turned to save Brennan?? If Violet can see dreams she’s seen the Sage as well.

    1. Xaden was not a rider when Fen led the rebellion. So Xaden wouldn’t know.
      Sgaeyl was not in active serve either. Her previous rider was Xaden’s grandad (right?)
      Tairn is the only one. And he no longer speaks of the ones who came before.

      Brennan has never seen Berwyn until NOW. They never crossed paths weirdly enough.
      Violet has never seen Naolin either.
      It all checks out. But of course, we can’t know for certain. But I think so, I think he’s the Sage.

      1. But they see him did. He is the one from Resson. Tairn saw him. A general can recognise another General. Xaden always said he was the same sage from resson, the one in his dreams, and the one from Basgiath who he threw into the ravine – who now – Berwyn – Has the scar down his face from the fall.

        1. No, no, I completely agree. What I mean by ‘nobody but Tairn would know’ is that no one has ever actually seen Naolin BEFORE Resson—except for Brennan and Tairn. So nobody would recognize him
          Xaden has not seen Naolin because he wasn’t a rider. He would have heard the name Naolin but not seen the guy. Same with Sgaeyl technically. She was not in active service when Tairn was.

          Only Tairn ever made comments about him, and Brennan (who naturally would have known who Naolin is) never saw him until, technically, the end of Onyx Storm.

          Do I make sense? 😄

  13. I will keep this all in mind while reading the last chapters again. I forgot about Resson. And in Basgiaths battle Tairn was in the air while Xaden fought against Berwyn. I found another quote from Tairn which is interesting, he turned his head to Andarana and said: “Your inability to follow simple orders will kill her and I won’t lose her like the one who came before her!”
    It seems as this means that Violet was nearly burnout but I think it is because Theophanie is there and wants to force Violet to turn venin. And when we think about Tairns reaction to Xaden he calls him always the dark one and doesn´t give him any chance after turining venin. Perhaps this is the experience because Naolin turned venin.

    1. Oh I love this quote! This is gold. Are you re-reading slowly? I’m re-reading at snail pace and I’m finding a lot of fun Easter Eggs. I will continue with the theories today!

      1. I´d re-read the German version slowly. Now I have got the English book and I try to find differences. Sometimes there are small things which are significant. In the English book is so a nice picture of Vi and Xaden on the roof of Riorson house whith chocolate cake. This gives me some hope for the end of book 5.

        1. Uffff, you have no idea just how much I want them to win the war and just chill with chocolate cake overlooking their city.

          1. We need some hope! We have to wait for the next books for a long time. It was so heart breaking on Xadens birthday wenn Vi gave him the present and the letter. Thank you for revision of this theory and collecting all the quotes and facts for whom is the new brother!

          2. I need to add a few more for Garrick to be fair!

  14. Anyone else thinking about the scenes where Mairi noticed her hands didn’t leave any handprints on Brennan when she channeled on him? No, just me?

    1. Tell us more. I’m struggling with that part.

      “and watch as Brennan walks away. Weird. There’s no mark at the back of his neck like he carries on his palm. There hadn’t been one on Dain’s wrist, either.

      1. It’s also weird that Dain said to Sloane that she couldn’t kill him by syphoning even if she wanted to. I mean she killed General Sorrengail by syphoning. So that would support the theory that both Dain and Brennan are venin.

        1. OH UGH! We still remember that Cath smelled bad, yes? There’s more to this.
          But then ok, they cannot be initiates or asims. Because then Xaden would be able to smell them. Also Jack would have been able to tell that Dain is venin.
          I feel like we would have known…

          1. Oh true, haven’t thought about that

  15. My unhinged theory is that it’s Aaric who turned and I can’t really explain it, but it’s just a feeling (and one I’m sure is way off, but I had to say it since no one else is). But you have me thinking a LOT more about Brennan. There’s definitely something fishy going on with him.

    1. Brennan is def fishy! I think our boy Aaric is the balance we needed.

    2. But Aaric didn’t know that Xaden was venin, and Xaden said the new brother had been watching him stumble the last few months.

        1. And the question is: If Aaric is the balance, do we think something will happen to Melgren as their signets are so similar?

          1. I’m questioning two things here: either Melgren is venin. OR, The Sage (Berwyn) is a precog.

  16. Oh! My! Gosh! I love this theory! Well, you know what I mean – I don’t love it if Brennan turned, but I think you’re right! I think it’s Brennan. A couple things I noticed: Violet’s arm is in a splint, so she isn’t mended when she sees the ring. I think that means that Brennan doesn’t really know what’s going on because he was lying unconscious with Berwyn. And also, Xaden wouldn’t want Brennan to know his plan of marrying Violet if the plan was to have Violet outrank Brennan. BUT would Xaden trust leaving Violet near Brennan if he’s turned? Did Xaden do it because he basically had no choice but to leave and did what he could to protect her with rank? Or maybe knowing the venin want Violet and Andarna alive is enough to protect her if he leaves? Ahhh! So many questions. Also,Xaden is incapable of killing Berwyn and obviously incapable of ignoring the “summons” because he’s the Sage that caused Xaden to turn venin and now they’re tied together. That’s why Theo says that Violet would be chained to Berwyn. Not because he would be using her siblings against her, but because he would be her Sage. As if Theo would be better to be chained to than Berwyn…no thanks. One more thing: I am VERY curious to know what Berwyn has that Xaden needs. It’s one of those lines that RY does so well. She sneaks it in, all by itself, and leaves it there without any clues. Or are there clues?! I don’t know! Maybe on my next reread of the series, I’ll figure something out. HA! Doubt it.

    1. Hi Sam,

      Thank you so much for adding the details. You are right, she is not mended. Hm…
      Ok, Ok, I’m getting so excited.
      I have so many questions about bonds between Sages and initiates. But yeah, Xaden is an asim now, right? He cannot ignore the call anymore. It’s horrible.
      But how do some sages and maven can blend in with the normal folks without those giant red ass eyes? Is it the serum?

      Can you please please point me to the “line”? I can try and analyse it further as well to see if Berwyn does have something Xaden needs.

      1. I have so many questions about the venin too. I may never get it all sorted out, but that’s probably because we just don’t know enough. Yet. And yes! How do they hide their crazy eyes?!
        The line I was referring to is on page 523. It’s not a stand-alone like I was thinking. It’s actually right at the end of a paragraph just over halfway down. “But beyond the physical impossibility of it, he has something I need.” And then the stand-alone line is, “And I’m no longer an initiate.” So…Berwyn has something Xaden needs, but couldn’t have when he was just an initiate and now he can have it or can get it because he’s an asim…I think? I really have no idea what it would be.

        1. Right? Jack did say that sages and mavens are very good at hiding themselves. That is so scary.

          Ok. so who is the other initiate who feels the same? Ohoh? It feels like there is so much more to it.
          And indeed, what is the thing he needs? Maybe a cure? Maybe information?

  17. Ok, I thought the new brother could potentially be Brennan as well… Or even Dane who may have read somebody’s memories about Xaden earlier. But the fact that Berwyn killed the ‘new brother’s’ dragon means that whomever it is, would not be able to blend in with the riders anymore. A rider dies with their dragon unless turned venin. With the exception of Violet who bonded 2 dragons.
    Meaning they wouldn’t be there when Violet returned. Effectively, eliminating both Brennan and Dane.
    Has anyone considered the possibility of Sawyer or Riddic possibly being the new brother?

    1. That’s a good one, but my understanding is that he killed Panchek’s green dragon.
      The only other riders that has a green is Bodhi.
      Ridoc -> brown
      Sawyer – red
      Dain – red
      Brennan – orange
      Garrick – brown

      1. I also thought that it was Pancheck’s green

  18. I love your theory, I think you convinced me. A thought that corroborate your it is that throughout this book it has been said by both theophanie and xaden that “magic knows” and that there must be balance between the signets of dark wielders and of riders. If Sloane manifested the same signet as Naolin (being a syphon), then perhaps it’s because he is venin himself?

    1. I think so! I think Berwyn is Naolin somehow! <3

      1. But there are multiple people with the same signets (fire/ice/wind etc.)

        I think it’s the really rare signets that only have one in a generation, or balance one on each side.

        Makes me curious about Melgreen since Aaric is now a precog.

        1. RIGHT? I’m wording a whole theory for it. I think he is one of the leading venin weirdly enough. Violet has been foreshadowing this for ages.

          1. The only hesitation I have with Melgreen being venin is Codagh. I mean- he’s an elder and THE most powerful dragon.

            Besides, Melgreen’s signet is limited to battle, and now battles that don’t have marked ones. He’s pretty screwed really.

          2. I do have a lot of reservations about him being venin. At the same time, Tairn and Codagh do not like each other at all…
            It feels like one likes power, the other just wants stability and for magic to be restored.

  19. Love this!!! It would also make sense why Tairn gets sooo upset whenever anyone mentions Naolin. He chose Naolin and now he’s this evil mage so it reflects poorly on Tairn because he chose wrong, which we know is a huge mark on a dragon’s pride and character. Tairn also calls him “the one who came before,” and doesn’t ever confirm that he is dead.

    The rune on Brennan’s hand seems like a missing puzzle piece. It has been brought up now in several books; Violet assumed it was because of the siphoning and transfer of power from Naolin, but acknowledges that Brennan and Dain didn’t have marks from Sloane which implies the rune is NOT from that magic transfer. Which calls into question what IS it for? Masking his eyes and veins?? Is Brennan able to mend himself like Nolon mended Jack and so each time he channels he mends himself? So many questions!

    1. Tairn is very pride! Dragons don’t make mistakes, right? And yet…they do…

      I am confused about Brennan a little. On one level, there is a rune like items on his palm. But then again, now it’s a mark.
      Which one is it? Both? Different palms?

      UGH! I didn’t consider the possibility that Brennan could mend himself. Brennan is so shady, I’m so sorry.

  20. “I´d kill him if I could. Fuck, I thought I had. I wonder how many iniciates feel the same about their Sage. At least one that I know of. ” Who is “the one”? Did he mean the new brother? Is he just assuming? Clearly, he didn’t have much time to discuss it with him. Or does he already know about someone else who turned before and had the chance to share their experience with him?

    1. Two major questions which will keep me awake at night:
      – I think he might know someone else…not the new brother. Another initiate. I cannot imagine that he’d already discuss it with him. Because let’s face it. “new brother” no way of knowing if he feels the same way. I mean, Xaden is an inntinnsic. Another could be Jack?
      – What the hell does Xaden needs from Berwyn?????? WHAT is it? So yeah, I’m re reading paragraphs and trying to make sense of it.

  21. I’ve thought about that comment a lot, too. I think it can be taken two ways. Either, Xaden knows another initiate who wants to kill their sage OR he’s talking about himself being the ONLY one who wants to. (Rhetorical questions incoming – I don’t think we can know yet.) If he’s not talking about himself, how many other initiates has he met!? How and when did he meet them?! Why?!!? Are there venin membership meetings he’s required to attend??! Or…does it have to do with his second signet and he’s been able to see that another initiate wants their sage dead? I doubt there are many venin who don’t want the power and are obsessed with it like Jack. If Berwyn is Naolin and Brennan has turned, Brennan doesn’t want to kill his sage. I saw a comment on another one of your articles that maybe Xaden will take down the venin from within. That made me think maybe Xaden is talking about himself as the one initiate, but now I’m not sure. Hm…maybe now that Xaden isn’t an initiate he COULD kill his sage, but doesn’t want to because of the thing he needs? He needs that thing first and then he will. But if killing their sage means moving up in rank, then a lot more initiates would want to, so maybe he still can’t kill Berwyn. I’m just talking in circles now, sorry!

    1. Hi Sam, I’m also going around in circles with this comment because honestly? It doesn’t make sense.
      Well, I mean, it does make sense, and I’m sure it will make sense.

      Alright, so we’re thinking that was rhetorical? That would be a brilliant way to throw us off.
      Unless he sensed someone else, but then again, I feel like he would have told someone to at least be careful. Bodhi, Garrick, Violet?

      Can we please take a moment to read this again tho?

      “That’s good. Bad. Fuck, I don’t know. What even am I?

      I think this was beautiful. Despite the chaos, he still loves her <3

      Ok, so what does Xaden need from Berwyn?? I can think of nothing else but the cure. Or maybe how to kill dragons with that dagger.

  22. I’ve Just finished me reread. The theory that Berwyn is Naolin let me calm down a little bit. I think the reason for many of the problems is Tairn. I suppose Brennan nearly died seven years ago. Naolin was bis lover and saved him, to do this he turned venin for love. Tairn cut the bond to Naolin and this was terrible for both of them. Now Naolin=Berwyn wants revenge of Tairn and dragons in general. He first took Jack in FW to try to kill Violet. Jack hates Violet cause Tairn bonded her and he wanted Tairn before threshing. But Jack failed to kill Violet. In IF Berwyn is after Xaden. Xaden sacrifies himself so save Violet. In OS Xaden is working hard to resist Berwyn and the seeks to channel. And I’m sure Berwyn is in OS after Sgaeyl cause she is Tairns mate. If Berwyn Kills Sgaeyl Tairn will die. Violets death would be an additional success for the venin in general in this war. But now Xaden saved Sgaeyl, she was the reason to turn to an Asim, cause she is Xadens existence. I read carefully the scene when Sgaeyl saved Violet of Theophanie. I’m quite sure she would not break her bond to Tairn as mates for only human. We shouldn’t forget, they are dragons. They broke the bond to save Tairn and Sgaeyl. The effect that it’ll safe Violet as well is more important for Tairn than for Sgaeyl. So I think it is Revenge against Tairn of Naolin. According to the brother, in the German version there is used the word brother and not sibling. I still think Bodhi ist the new brother. I agree that something about Brennan is unusual, he is quite relaxed that Xaden turned venin and in the last scene when Violet returns as well. But there were some hints to Bhodi that he will stay at Xadens side, he wants to prove himself. He doesn’t want to be the duke. And he seems to be frustrated, his signet doesn’t work against venin. There is something strange with Bodhi and how he acts with Violet.

    1. I’m still doing it mine. I have so many new theories, I’m having fun!

      Tairn is the problem -> Hi, it’s me, I’m the problem is me 😀 that is suitable right now. Given how much RY LOVES a good Swift analogy.
      So yes yes and yes. I’m been preaching that Tairn severed the bond with Naolin when Naolin turned venin to save Brennan for an eternity! YESSSSS.
      I do think Naolin holds a serious grudge against his previous dragon.

      Jack was the perfect pawn right? He wanted Tairn (hungry for power). What better candidate to turn venin and have him work against Violet and Tairn?
      Again, 100% that’s why Naolin wants to kill Sgaeyl.

      Do you agree that they broke a bond? I don’t think Sgaeyl and Tairn broke the bond for Violet and Xaden but for themselves first and foremost. Although do you remember that Violet made a remark “dragonkind protects dragonkind, right?” and Tairn said “please inform me what laws I’m not prepared to break” -> trying to find the exact quote.

      Overall, you still team Bodhi? Hmmm…I don’t deny it that it’s still plausible, but I feel like maybe it would be a lot more fun for Brennan to be the venin dude.

  23. Hi! I just found your website and think it’s amazing!

    This is not related to the post above (apologies!), but I just wanted to throw in a completely different thought and theory that it would be so fun and interesting to hear your thoughts about at some point:

    The quote in Onyx Storm that stood out to me the most was this one, when Violet is out with Aura and that group on the mission in Anca: ”I’m struck with the oddest urge to try and pluck strands from the very sky and weave runes.
    “It feels like there’s more power out here than usual,” I tell Tairn as we dive along a ridgeline.
    “There’s actually less — the venin saw to that.”

    What do you think this means? I searched around for the quote online and found this Reddit post with a
    (in my opinion) pretty intriguing theory. What are your thoughts on sourcing magic from the sky instead of the ground:

    Again, thank you for an incredible website!

    1. Hi Johanna, thank you so much. I think this website strips external urls because of the plugins?
      I’m working on a theory about dragons being…bad? Something tells me that dragons are not entirely honest and they stole magic from the Gods.
      I don’t think the Gods are happy at all, which would explain why Tairn is so “anti God” you know?

      Also there is something else interesting here. Irids are magic and indeed, Violet can command the sky. She can talk to Tairn and Andarna 1000% because of Andarna’s magic. Dragons are dependent on the magic from the continent, thus, from the ground. The same as venin. While they are different, they are not THAT different. It’s almost like…one of them uses magic a little more sustainable than other, but ultimately, they use it nonetheless.

      What my theory is: are the 6th species of dragons…fallen Irids? Corrupted Irids? Irids have all the colors, and yet, the 6 species are solid colors.

  24. Hi Cory! I read this theory and I could have not agree more.
    After hearing AND reading that godsdamn chapter about Xaden, many times. I too think its Brennan. The word that didn’t make sense to me was “NEW” brother. (thank you for pointing it out as well!!!) At first I was like: oh could be Bohdi or Garrick that turned into new venim, but I don’t think he will call them “new brother” to any of them.
    I think that Garrick and Bohdi are either with Xaden or after him, they have always been loyal to him. Let’ s remember that his New brother and the sage are unconscious after the onyx storm. I think Imogen finds violet alone and she asks her to errase her memory, I dont think Imogen was part of the marring ceremony, would be to dangerous for her to know what happened if Violet purposely asked to errase her mind knowing there will be questioning and mind reading. Unless she can errase her own memory? No idea there.

    1. Hi Carla, welcome welcome!
      I honestly thought it was Bodhi. I was so certain. But nope, the word sibling…too much meaning there.
      I agree with you, I think Imogen is not in the know. I think she knows something is up, and that’s it. I am also curious how her signet works. Can she wipe her own memories? The same way as Brennan can mend himself (but with more difficulty).

      1. It will be interesting to find out what happened in those twelve wiped hours, maybe Violet couldn’t handle the hurt of knowing that Brennan turned venin and to protect herself, she and Xaden decided to ask Imogen to wipe her memory?

        1. Imogen did say “what you asked me to do”. Xaden has been very open to Violet. I think this was their plan. No doubt Book 4 will be about it, and then we will move into seriously dark realms. I think something horrible will happen by the end of the book.

  25. Concerning Sloane’s siphoning and Dain and Brennan not having a mark : Sloane siphoned Cat in the tunnels and Cat didn’t have a mark. Neither it was said that Lilith had a mark after being siphoned. Violet deducted the rune on Brennan’s hand was from his “ressurection”, mas no one else mentioned it. I think the rune on his palm ir for something else we still don’t know. Because if Brennan was really venin all this time, Xaden would have noticed, either by “venin feel themselves” or through the intentions reading signet
    I’m rereading the final chapter’s today, I need to understand ore…

    1. Hi Rita,
      I don’t think Brennan was venin all this time. I think he turned recently (at the end of the book)
      I think the mark is an indication that someone channeled from him rather than the other way around. Venin who channel leave mark on people and not the other way around (venin don’t seem to have marks after)

  26. Finally! No one is talking about this! Though I think my original reason – Vi mentioning it was “weird” there was no mark after the siphoning to save Mira – isn’t actually as valid anymore as proven above, I still think it’s Brennan & I think it’s recent. I can’t think of why he’d do it other than to save Mira or as suggested to somehow join his partner who is venin, not dead. I definitely think it’s been suspicious how Tairn speaks about his previous rider, so him being venin tracks.

    BUT thinking about the siphoning part, Sloan mentions Dain shouldn’t have that much power. I don’t think he’s the new venin because he hasn’t been there in the know about Xanden, but it’s sus.

    I also sadly agree that the bond between Tairn & Sgaeyl is likely broken. But could Andarna fix/break any bond? If so, could that include the bond between venin (i.e. Xaden & the Sage)?!

    Lastly, someone has a very thorough IG post about how irids & Vi channel through the sky not ground. It explains so much.

    1. Hi Nicole, I have a theory about dragons channeling from the ground: https://www.empyreanriders.com/articles/onyx-storm-theory-are-the-dragons-evil/
      I also don’t think Dain is the new venin.

      AND YES YES! Thank you!!! I’m so glad you are also on the same page. Naolin is not dead! He’s 100% venin

  27. Why weren’t Brennan’s eyes red if he just turned venin in the last 12 hours though? Don’t they stay red for several days after they turn venin/channel? I don’t want it to be Brennan! I love Brennan. But I love Garrick and Bodhi too and wouldn’t want it to be either of them either. Errrr.

    1. Do you love Brennan? Nooooooooooo, he always seemed shady to me.
      Although I did always enjoy how he mended Violet.
      But I never trusted him, I don’t know why.
      I think both Garrick and Bodhi were the obvious choice, right? Which makes me feel like it has to be Brennan with his amber eyes.

  28. I totally think it’s Brennan, too. For all the reasons you outlined, but also because he was first on the scene when Violet was returned. You know how venin can sense each other? And just as Violet was coming to, she caught a glimpse of a shadow…obviously Xaden. Brennan knew he was there, too!

    And I think Sloane’s comment to Dain about, “someone like you shouldn’t have such power,” is sooo confusing! I’m rereading the book to look for more connections between those two. But I wonder if she was somehow conflating Brennan’s power/inclination with Dain’s? Maybe Dain has a second signet, too, somehow, and it’s even more “inntinsic-y” than his first? This is the question that is honestly niggling me the most!!

    1. I’m so confused by that comment made towards Dain.
      But I’m also certain Sloan x Dain will be a thing and Dain is NOT venin.
      Maybe Cath is very powerful? Also what does “someone like you” mean? Do you think that he can read memories and he is powerful and scary?

  29. YES!! Thank you! I’m glad I’m not going crazy to be thinking it’s Brennan too! From the first read he was just on the radar. There are so many theories about it been Garrick or Bodhi that I thought I was thinking too deeply… but it was always missing that final piece of the puzzle but Brennan? It just fits. There is so much mystery and unknown around him that it makes me so suspicious especially throughout OS. He ticked almost every single box and hint that was dropped. And you outlined my thoughts exactly in this post!

    And I’m sorry but Garrick and Bodhi are almost the too obvious choice? If that makes sense. She likes to keep us on our toes after all, it could be so simple we’re bound to doubt it’s true or she’s deliberately made it subtle enough to hide behind the obvious front runner options.

    …No one else I know has finished it yet, I’ve read it twice, bordering on a third time lol cause keep finding more info… and I’ve been bottling it all up waiting for any of them to finish!! So casually just living out my theories with fellow fans and theorists online like your post in the meantime hahaha

    Okay I’m done lolll and thank you!

    1. Hiiii!!! YESSS. I’m so happy that you think so.
      Bodhi is the obvious choice right? C’mon, he’s the second in line. He was acting all like a spoiled aristocrat 😀 telling us that he doesn’t want it etc
      It was Brennan! 1000000% Brennan. Another sibling to use against Xaden. <3

      P.S. Also re-reading the book. It’s perhaps the best one yet with so much politics, intrigue and easter eggs!!

  30. I think a big piece of the puzzle is chapter 58. Dain has more power then he should is clue number 1. Mari then channels this power into Brennan who uses it. An important definition here is that Mari doesn’t use the power merely allows it to flow between the two. In using that power Brennan turns inadvertently by using Venin power to augment his own. Clue number 2 is that neither of them is left with a mark from the power transfer.

    1. I want to understand this better: Brennan turns inadvertently by using Venin power to augment his own

      But we don’t think Dain is venin, right?

  31. My initial reaction and gut instinct when reading said it was Brennan that turned, with the only doubt being around not knowing how long he’s known for. For sure the more obvious possibilities are logical re maybe Bodhi (he really doesn’t want to be duke and turning as a way to counter venin signets makes sense from a plot perspective, but I think this is too simple) and maybe Garrick (he was nearing burn out and loves Imogen, but I think this would mess with his and others character arcs in disruptive ways), but Brennan would definitely be a better twist (and makes sense with all your deciphering in the theory above – especially if the Naolin-is-venin theory is correct, though I’m not really convinced Naolin-is-Berwyn because the timeline doesn’t work). Can’t wait to see how this plays out – bring on Book 4!

    1. Apparently, the author said that he turned because he felt inadequate. Only Bodhi has ever felt inadequate, right? In Onyx Storm.
      There is also the possibility that it might have been Aaric but…I just don’t know at this point.

  32. Wow! Thank you for this!

    What started off as what you called an “unhinged” theory, is now what sounds like the ONLY logical answer! Aside from all the very valid passages you identify, Brennan is a well-developed, focal character in the book with deep ties to Violet, Xaden (he KNEW Xaden was venin and tried to heal him, and was so calm about it, what?!?), and Naolin (who has severed but still ties to Tairn and Sgaeyl). So that alone gives his character so much more momentum to be the new brother.

    In Xaden’s POV in OS he says that the Sage is supposed to be “dead”, which it’s always been inferred that Naolin died but I agree, he probably drew great power from the earth out of love to save Brennan and thus became Berwyn. And so why would Brennan NOT turn venin for the person who saved his life….Naolin/Berwyn? And this would also explain why Theo said Jack was the wrong brother because Berwyn of course wanted to see Brennan. Xaden also says about the Berwyn, “I. Can’t. Kill. Him. I could not more raise a blade to his throat than I could Violet. The bond between Violence and me is the kind of magic that has no explanation.” So here it seems he’s not talking about his love for “Violet”, but he can’t kill “Violence” because of their mated dragon’s bond and the magic bond between them. So I feel like somehow Xaden can’t kill Naolin/Berwyn because he used to be Tairn’s rider. Again, there are just way too many connections that all point to Brennan turning.

    Also I can’t get out of my head when Xaden talks about the shadows protecting the people Imogen loves. In this sentence the word “she” which I think refers to Imogen is italicized, “I’m at the pass, plucking wyvern off one by one, listening with satisfaction as their bodies hit the ground in front of the people ‘she’ loves.” And who does Imogen love? Garrick since Quinn dies. So the brother is not Garrick, he’s with Imogen at this time and not close to Xaden and Berwyn. Plus Garrick, like Bohdi is too minor of a character at this point, both have only ever been loyal to Xaden, and neither have wanted more power.

    The only thing that tugs at me about this theory is the hint RY gave at the book tour where the Fantasy Fangirls interviewed her about who the new brother is and RY says to “Look for who is missing, and someone who feels like they don’t have enough.” To which again Brennan is right there when Violet wakes, and I can’t find any proof of Brennan that he’s been wanting more power. Maybe RY is just trying to send us on a goose chase, LOL. In another interview she said that someone who betray Violet and who bigger than her own brother? Lastly, let’s not forget his biggest shadiness yet, Brennan let Violet and Mira think he was dead so……. he clearly has no reservations holding deep lies from his sisters. When he saw them he showed ZERO remorse for letting them think he was dead. Which is probably why it was so satisfying when Mira punched him in the face!!

    Yup, it’s Brennan.

    1. Jenn, hi!!!
      I just got your comment minutes after I had to add a looot more to the theory.
      I also feel it’s Brennan but exactly! Because of that thing she said “looks for who is missing at the end” it makes me doubt it now. It makes me feel like it’s Bodhi and I’m just left really damn confused.

    2. BTW. She said similar things about Violet’s signet right? It’s going to be boring. But it’s not! It’s not boring at all.
      It’s epic! It’s insanely spectacular and very powerful. And we’ve only seen like 10% of it, right? So it does make me feel like she’s trying to throw us off!

      1. Brennan was SUCH an interesting theory but alas after reading your update I’ve 180’d back to Bodhi. It’s rather poetic that I’ve never given Bodhi any pause or importance! Hahaha, poor Bodhi. But your new passages and what RY said in her interview, I’m now 100% convinced it’s Bodhi.

        After all the subtle but not so subtle digs at Bodhi the scene that seals the deal for me is Xaden’s POV. Even though Berwyn is talking to Pancheck who has a green dragon, this is just to throw us off. Berwyn says he has another son WHILE he’s a green dragon, and who has a green dragon? Bodhi! How more poetic could Bodhi become his son than in the moment when Berwyn kills Cuir – it’s the ultimate sacrifice. Plus we all know what Berwyn’s other “son” Jack did to Baide.

        Some other supporting chapters is the one with Violet, Bodhi and Theo. Theo says, “Odd choice of companion, seeing that you reek of his kin.” I’m guessing she’s talking to Violet and obviously Bodhi and Xaden are related but I don’t know why she thinks it’s an odd choice due to kin. Theo then says to Bodhi, “Tell me, do you not grow tired of being a less-powerful version of your cousin?” which is an important insult because it’s coming from a venin. So now we know the venin are well aware of Bodhi’s feelings of being less powerful. Makes sense they would target Bodhi just as they targeted Jack when he was jealous of Violet.

        Then there’s Bodhi’s balancing signet that doesn’t work on Theo but when Bodhi uses it Violet says gravity shifts, her perception of everything changes, and the heat she feels is something she only feels with one other person (guessing Xaden). So why is Bodhi’s signet affecting Violet? There’s so much more going on there. Theo also adds when Bodhi says he’s protecting his cousin and province she says “and her” – ummm Bodhi’s in love with Violet!!! I have a feeling there will come a moment in the end when Bodhi, Xaden and Violet are going to be in one room and Bodhi’s signet is going to help Violet turn the powers for good. We know Violet is the key to tipping the balance of powers, something that hasn’t happened in 600 years.

        Thank you so much for this site. The end of OS was so emotional for me but focusing on these theories have helped ease the angst. AND it’s so much fun!

        1. I completely agree—it’s the most “obvious,” but that’s exactly why it works. It feels like the natural way to propel everything forward, especially when you consider why Xaden rushed into marrying Violet. It wasn’t just a romantic gesture; it was strategic, ensuring Tyrrendor’s protection over her. He wanted to propose properly, to make it all official, but Bodhi’s involvement cut that plan short.
          I’m beyond grateful for your kind words —this series has been such an emotional rollercoaster, and theorizing together makes it all the more special. Love diving into these theories with you! 💜

          1. Yes! Xaden went from “protect Bodhi at all costs because he’s next in line” to a shotgun wedding in Dunne.

            But there’s still so much with the theory of “What’s going on with Brennan!?!?” His dragon’s name Mahrb means “dead” or “dead person” in Gaelic! Yikes! That’s a far cry from a mender and perfect for someone who came back from the dead and turned venin!

  33. Hi Cory! I found this on pinterest and got literal goosebumps!! https://pin.it/1dikcWMBr
    What do you think it means? “command the sky”- could it go into your other theory about getting power from the sky and ground?

    1. One brother bonded the dragon. One bonded the gryphon and one grew jealous enough and drew directly from the source.
      I do wonder about it a lot. Because I think the one who commends the sky, Violet…there is more to it than just what we understand. And honestly, right now…I’m a little confused about it.
      The Fables demonize dragons even right?

      But what we do know is that Tairn gave Violet the power of the sky: “Now tell me, which chose you first? The one who gifted you the power of the sky? Or the irid?”

  34. So, I am inclined to agree with you that Brennan is a strong possibility. If you look at the text in Xaden’s POV at the end, you see him as he feeds from the source and unleashes his shadows, which “skim past the one who now thinks himself my brother”, and then he notes that the shadows are “rushing over Imogen as she looks to the sky”. To match the scenes in time and place, you have to back up to Imogen’s POV, after Garrick walks them to Professor Trissa. Imogen steps outside and says: “ I unsheathed my last alloy-hilted dagger and stared up at the wyvern-filled sky.” At that point she had just shouted at Garrick’s back, and spotted Bodhi retching on his hands and knees. So that places both Bodhi and Garrick near her, NOT with Xaden.

    I agree that Brennan is a possibility except for the fact that Rebecca Yarros said to pay attention to who is missing at the end. So who else needed more power and was missing at the end?

    1. Shoot. You are right: Bodhi is on his hands and knees across the town square, retching.
      The only other is Garrick, right? Nearing burnout.
      And HE really is missing. I mean Imogen specifically asks this.
      The only issue I have to Garrick being venin is that there is a walker venin. Garrick was the counter. Now it feels like they are very fast tipping the balance, since venin would get TWO walkers.

      We don’t know where Dain is. But the sibling doesn’t make sense then.
      We don’t know about Felix. He has a sibling, Suri.
      Aaric…but he’s returning with soldiers. He is not venin.

  35. I totally believe it was Garrick. He fulfills the two things that Rebecca mentioned in her Q&A tour:

    1. He was among the missing, and it was explicitly stated with Imogen asking about him at the end.
    2. He was feeling inadequate or rather powerless in Imogen’s POV: “I can’t walk again. Even if I made it to Aretia, I’d never be strong enough to get back. So, I’d better find some fucking way to do something.”

    I could totally see him turning venin, not only because of those two things, but also because he is Xaden’s best friend and is always by his side, he could’ve also done it thinking he could ‘protect’ Xaden or something like that.

    Also, Xaden says: “How could he do this? Choose this after watching me stumble and fall over the last five months.”

    This all could also apply to Bodhi, yes, but I feel Garrick is more likely to be it. Although, now that I think of it; why would Xaden marry Violet to leave her Tyrrendor if Bodhi was next on the line, except if Bodhi is no longer ‘available’? I don’t know, both seem like a plausible possibility.

    Brennan on the other hand… Nah, I don’t think so. Brennan hasn’t known about Xaden being venin and struggling since the beginning, only towards the end. So Xaden saying the 5 months thing definitely means it has to be someone who has known about him all along, leaving Garrick and Bodhi as the only possible choices.

    However, I do think there is something weird going on with Brennan. His scar (was it on the wrist?) was heavily hinted at in this book… Violet was focusing on it a few times, also when Sloane transferred him Dain’s power, and then Violet was thinking about him not having a scar on the back of his neck this time. This is definitely going to be something to talk about on the next installments. Could it have something to do with Naolin turning venin to save him?

    Also, the possibility of Berwyn being Naolin… I would love that, but I don’t think Tairn seeing him and not recognising him or not saying something to Violet about it exists. Have Violet and Tairn been in his presence though? If not, there’s still that possibility that Tairn hasn’t seen him and therefore could not recognise him.

    1. I thought that at first too, but see my above comment. Garrick was with Imogen while Xaden was with his “new brother” per each of their POV’s. So the “new brother” can’t be Garrick, Bohdi, or Dain if you read those two chapters as happening at the same time. Unless RY is trying to throw everyone off, and she didn’t mean for the image of “Imogen looking to the sky” in each of those two chapters to indicate that the events are happening at the same time.

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