I woke up in the middle of the night because I couldn’t sleep. Oh, Rebecca Yarros, you are so, so clever. She’s managed to divide the internet into two groups: those who think Bodhi turned venin and those who think Garrick turned. But what if it was Brennan or Aaric? Hear me out, hear me out!
Arguments that it was Brennan
The last chapter convinces us it must be either Garrick or Bodhi because Brennan is right in front of Violet, asking her what’s going on. Who would suspect Brennan, given how surprised he was to see Violet? Oh, this is getting really good.
I think I’ve also figured out The Fable of the Barrens: The Origin. Something tells me it will finally make sense now.
Not going to lie, this might seem like an unhinged theory, but please hear me out. I’m about to take you down a rabbit hole, and it’s going to be so much fun. Grab a cup of tea and get ready. Are you ready?
For this to make sense, we need to go back in time a little.
“And when you come with him, you will remember that I let you live today and choose me, not Berwyn, as your teacher.”
“Besides the fact that he’s subpar and you’d be chained to him, powerless to resist his orders?”
We’re introduced to this Berwyn guy—the Sage. But here’s what’s interesting: Brennan changed his name from Sorrengail, right? Did we ever catch Naolin’s full name? Could it be Naolin Berwyn? Berwyn Naolin? Could Naolin have changed his name to Berwyn?
I have a point here. Why would Violet be powerless to resist Berwyn’s orders? Unless he’s relentlessly coming after Brennan, forcing her to protect her siblings—and making her powerless to resist his orders in the process.
Stay with me. I know it’s a lot, and you might be rolling your eyes, but keep at it. Please give me a chance.
“A general can recognize another general, and that’s their leader,” says Tairn in Fourth Wing. Nice choice of words, Tairn, but could it be you recognize their Sage for an entirely different reason?
Now, you’re probably thinking, Wouldn’t Brennan recognize the guy? But actually, Brennan has never seen him. When Berwyn arrived, Brennan was mending the stone in Basgiath. He never laid eyes on Berwyn.
Also, another interesting point. How could possibly Berwyn know that Xaden will turn for love? Unless he, himself turned for love?
“And you won’t do it for something as trite as power or as easily satiable as greed,” he promises in a whisper, “but for the most illogical of mortal emotions— love. Or you’ll die.” He shrugs. “You both will.”
Now, let’s revisit the conversation between Jack and Xaden:
“Welcome to our fucked-up family. Guess we’re brothers now.”
Brothers. He doesn’t use the word siblings—but brothers.
Fast-forward to when Theophanie asked Xaden to bring Violet and “his brother.” At first, Xaden is confused, but Sgaeyl chimes in to clarify the term “brother.”
“You have another who calls you by the name,” Sgaeyl chimes in, her words sharper than her teeth. “Another—”
“She wants Jack.”
Theophanie then says something intriguing:
“And yet you didn’t bring the brother he wanted,” Theophanie sighs. “Berwyn will be disappointed.”
“Yes. Hence the term brother,” Theophanie glances my way. “I won’t make the mistakes with you that Berwyn made with Jack. He spills his Sage’s secrets too easily.”
Are you ready for the kicker? Let’s discuss the ending.
“The bond between Berwyn and me is the kind that should never exist, and now that my Sage has another sibling he can use against me…I’m screwed.”
Read it again. Slowly. Do you feel the goosebumps?
The wording here is deliberate: He has another sibling he can use against him. Berwyn never used Jack against Xaden—but he did use Violet against Xaden. Another sibling…(another one of the siblings!)
Thank you to Zuzle, in the comments below who pointed out that Berwyn used Violet against Xaden and literally forced him to turn. Plus Theo did say before that Violet is the “leash” right? Against Xaden.
So how could Xaden have another sibling Berwyn could use against him? It’s Brennan! Berwyn used Violet, and now he’s using Brennan.
Berwyn recently killed a dragon with a dagger and wants to kill Sgaeyl. He said, “You’ll have to channel deep to replace the loss of her power.” Venin usually control dragons (like Varrish) or kill them to remove wards (like Baide). But dragons are a great power source—so why kill them? This feels personal. Berwyn wants to kill dragons because his own dragon severed their bond. Tairn. Killing Sgaeyl would hurt Tairn deeply.
My theory is that Tairn broke the bond with Naolin to save him when Naolin was trying to save Brennan. And it stands!
“I glance past Berwyn, past Sgaeyl and the venin, to my new brother […] How could he do this? Choose this after watching me stumble and fall over the last five months? How could he willingly walk the path I’ve fought like hell to leave? He’s the last person I ever would have expected to turn, and yet here we are.”
The last person. Someone who’s been watching Xaden for the past five months. Let’s recap who knows since December: Violet, Bodhi, Garrick, Imogen …and Brennan.
Later, Mira finds out. But this is our Easter egg: Brennan already knew.
“Like I’m the dangerous one?” She flips the dagger in readiness to throw, and power rushes into me. “Brennan, are you—”
“Don’t,” my brother says softly.
Mira pauses and turns at the tone of his voice, understanding creeping over her face. “You knew?”
Want even more proof?
“Xaden. I can’t mend him, Vi. I tried every day that he was here last week.”
“You know.”
“I know.”
Brennan knew. He’s known for months. And now, Berwyn has another sibling to use against Xaden. And it’s Brennan. Likely because of love—maybe he recognized Berwyn as Naolin, or Berwyn promised to take him to Naolin.
And Violet? She’s healed, and she has a ring on her finger. Who else but Brennan, the venin sibling with conveniently amber eyes, could have mended her without revealing himself?
Xaden married Violet to protect her from Brennan. Making her Duchess means she outranks Brennan and doesn’t answer to him.
And for the grand finale:
“But it was the third brother, who commanded the sky to surrender its greatest power, who finally vanquished his jealous sibling at a great and terrible price.”
It won’t be Mira. It’ll be Violet who vanquishes the jealous sibling. The terrible price? Killing her own brother.
And that’s it! My most unhinged theory to date, but I stand by it. It’s not Bodhi. It’s not Garrick. It’s Brennan. Xaden said “new brother”—or should I say “brother-in-law”?
Arguments that it was Bodhi who turned
New information given to us by Rebecca Yarros during her Q&A tour. When asked if she can provide us with any information about the new brother who turned, she said to pay attention to who is missing at the end.
Also, that whoever turned, it had feelings of inadequacy. They wanted more power. It’s always the case with venin. They turn because they need more power. The issue here is that when you read the book over and over, it’s always Bodhi that feels inadequate. Rebecca Yarros herself stated that he was raised to be the spare. We can tell that from the conversations Xaden has with Bodhi. Bodhi is missing…it does feel like he was the one who turned right?
“Anything I should know about?” Bodhi asks, two lines appearing
between his brows as Mira slings her pack from her shoulder.
“We’re good,” Brennan assures him as the foursome turns the corner and disappears.
“Good to feel needed,” Bodhi mutters, stepping closer as Mira
completes our own huddle. “Guess we’ll be taking the patrol, Imogen.”
Well, Bodhi certainly feels upset.
“I’m just glad you recognize you might have to,” he interrupts.
“We’ll find a cure,” I promise with far more certainty than I feel.
Bodhi’s mouth tightens. “I’d kill to go, but you need to take Garrick
with you.”
Neither of us say what he means.
Take Garrick in case you don’t.
Same thing, see? Bodhi is always…second.
Do you remember Iron Flame?
After Liam, Bodhi was and still is the closest thing I have to a brother, perpetually tagging along a step behind.
Well, perpetually tagging along a step behind. Is this perhaps the biggest clue that it was Bodhi who turned? A step behind, right?
“Sometimes I forget just how nearly perfect Bodhi is at everything,” I say to Xaden. No one thought of him during Battle Brief yesterday, and he should have been the first name that came to mind. Countering signets might not be the best offensive tool, but damn if it isn’t a hell of a defense.
Well? Even Violet forgot about how “nearly” perfect he is. Always the spare, always the second one.
“Absolutely not.” Shadows gather around Xaden’s boots. “You can’t
just take Cuir and leave school because you decide you’re fully educated.
You have to graduate.”
Wait. Bodhi wants to drop out?
“Says who?” Bodhi challenges.
“Besides the Empyrean and every regulation recorded?” The shadows spread. “Me!”
You can sense some tension here, right? Also, turning venin is a sure way to NOT have to go back to Basgiath and graduate.
“Because I’m now first in line?” There’s more than a little sarcasm in Bodhi’s response.
“Yes!” The shadows flee, racing for the walls.
“I’m not your backup plan.” Bodhi retreats two steps, then looks down the table at Brennan and me before glaring at Xaden. [..] I will stand by your side and be your right-fucking-hand for the rest of our lives, but if you want a member of our family to
hold that seat”—he points to the throne—“you’d better hold your own shit together.”
And finally.. do you remember when Bodhi was by Violet’s side wanting to help her and fight besides her? Well Violet told him no. Cuir removed Bodhi from there as well.
Violet then says “Tyrrendor’s succession is safe, but there’s no time to feel even an ounce of relief.“
But just moments later…
Cuir flies lower in formation, all picking off wyvern trying to dart by the city on their way to the valley beyond. Rhi and the rest of the squad will stop them before they get to the pass. Wait…Cuir? “Isn’t Bodhi supposed to be—”
“We all make our own decisions.”
Finally, we learn about Bodhi from Imogen’s POV.
Rain beats against the glass of my goggles as Glane climbs toward the three wyvern trying their best to rip Cuir apart.
Another lump of gray falls in a blur ahead of us, and I look up to see Cath and Cuir descending toward us. There’s a hole in Cuir’s right wing, and the laceration on his chest is going to leave a scar, but I can’t tell at this angle if Bodhi is wounded.
Later in the book, from Xaden’s POV we learn that there is an unconscious dragon guarded by seven wyverns and the new brother. Just above, Cuir seemed very much alive and conscious. Or is there more to this timeline?
Arguments that it was Garrick who turned
It never occurred to me that Garrick could be feeling inadequate. In fact, he’s always quite fun and the dynamic feels right. The only inadequacy that I can imagine here is that he was the one running out of “fuel” given that he was very tired and barely “walking” as seen from Imogen POV. He could have reached, of course…
Because if you remember ““I haven’t seen him since yesterday,” she says, her voice low, almost monotone. “Lieutenant Tavis?” “Among the missing,”[…]
We also have […]”I look away from what’s likely a fatal wound on a severed tail on a large brown.” But we know it’s not Garrick’s. Because minutes later he walks Imogen to Trissa.
But then, we also learn this: “I can’t walk again. Even if I made it to Aretia, I’d never be strong enough to get back,” he calls over his shoulder. “So, I’d better find some fucking way to do something.”
Garrick has always been Xaden’s second in command. But something just tells me it wasn’t him.
Arguments that it was Aaric who turned
Of course, some say that it was Aaric who turned. Missing, potentially feeling inadequate? But then again, I don’t feel like it. Aaric is a very confident and fun character. He’s very self assured. I don’t buy it. But when it comes to “another sibling” comment, Aaric does make a lot of sense. But then again, did Aaric know about him being venin at any point?! Certainly not for the last five months, right?
According to some fans, Aaric receiving a broken mirror could signify a “broken soul,” an idea rooted in ancient Roman beliefs. He may have foreseen his role in events, which raises the question of whether his ability to predict the future allows him to alter it.
“Molvic has been spotted along the cliffs,” Tain warns as he flares his wings, slowing our momentum.
Fucking Aaric. “If he gets himself killed—”
“He was seen flying south, away from conflict.” He spits every word in disgust.
What in Amari’s name could he be doing? “It’ s not like Aaric to run
“Nor Molvic.”
We do learn later that he comes back
My brows rise as Molvic emerges from one of the southern valleys.“The Spare brings the advance party from Zehyllna.” Tairn’s head
swivels as he relays the information. “A thousand soldiers and their horses.
They landed at the port of Soudra by accident instead of Cordyn and will be here in less than half an hour.”
Is Aaric one of the riders missing at the end? We don’t know. Could it be that Molvic is the unconscious dragon?
“now that my Sage has another sibling he can use against me…I’m screwed.”
The only problem I have with this is that Xaden has always referred to Aaric’s brothers are brothers! And never used the word siblings. Every time he is referring to the Sorrengails, he does use the world “siblings”.
Conclusion: who turned venin at the end of Onyx Storm
Where does this piece of information leaves us, with Brennan being the brother who turned? Well, Rebecca Yarros definitely threw a spanner in the works by telling us to pay attention to who is missing. Because are we thinking about who is missing when? At the very end? Or one of the four who is missing?
When Violet asks about Teine: “Quickly recovering under Brennan’s care at the top of the pass.” Tairn swings me up toward his snout, then tosses me onto his back.
We also learn from Rhi: “Tairn flew into the cloud cover
moments before the windstorm hit, carrying Teine in chains and escorted by Marbh, and the last status report from Cath had both Riorson and Durran spotted near the city walls.”
Marbh is very much located, as well as Brennan. But Riorson and Bodhi? BOTH spotted near the city walls.
Honestly, while I would love to say with complete certainty that Brennan was the one who turned, all signs seem to point to Bodhi. This time, I can’t shake the feeling that Rebecca Yarros may have taken mercy on us by making it more obvious, rather than leaving us in the same confusion we felt at the end of Iron Flame—when we discovered Violet has a second signet but couldn’t figure out what it is. Or maybe, just maybe, she’s trying to get us all confused, when really, it’s just Brennan!
One thing’s for sure: I really don’t believe it was Garrick or Aaric. But at this point… who really knows.
Onyx Storm Theories
- Onyx Storm Theory: Berwyn and Xaden are both from Tyrrendor
- Onyx Storm Theory: Tyrrendor always had dragon riders
- Onyx Storm Theory: Why was Violet touched by Dunne
- Onyx Storm Theory: How to get Xaden’s soul back
- Onyx Storm Theory: Are the dragons evil?
- Onyx Storm Theory: Who exactly is Berwyn
- Q&A with Rebecca Yarros – Answering our Onyx Storm questions
- Onyx Storm Theory – Violet will find Xaden (he taught her how)
- Onyx Storm Theory: Who turned venin at the end?
- Onyx Storm Theory: Love is all we need (well, at least what Xaden needs)
- Onyx Storm Theory: Sloane is life, Naolin was…not
- Onyx Storm Theory: Could Violet be pregnant
- Onyx Storm Theory: Imogen has a second signet
- Onyx Storm Ending Explained
- Onyx Storm – Recap and What do we know so far
- The Last Teaser Is Here: Rebecca Yarros’ Onyx Storm Begins with a Bang!
- Rebecca Yarros’ clue: Violet’s second signet has to do with truth
- Onyx Storm Theory: We know the herbal remedy for venin. It’s in every single book
- Onyx Storm Theory: Liam is dead, but he isn’t actually gone
- Onyx Storm Theory: Markham is venin
- Onyx Storm Official Excerpt: What does it all mean?
- Onyx Storm snippet: Plus new theories
- Onyx Storm Theory: Violet knows the herbal remedy for…venin?
- Onyx Storm Theory: The Colors of Bonds is super relevant
- Iron Flame Unhinged Theory: Those who do not burn for Malek, get their loved ones back
- Iron Flame Theory: Violet’s second signet could be storm wielder
- Onyx Storm Theory: There is a connection between Orange dragons and feathertails
- Onyx Storm Theory: Dragons’ hatching grounds connected to royal and heir eyes
- Onyx Storm Theory: Is Violet’s second signet to do with control?
- Onyx Storm Theory: Xaden’s control will snap
- Onyx Storm Theory: Violet’s second signet is distance wielder
- Onyx Storm Theory: Garrick Tavis’ signet is map/compass
- Fourth Wing and Iron Flame Theory: Dain is neurodivergent
- Iron Flame Theory – Violet’s second signet is dream-sight
- Onyx Storm Theory – Tairn is the Onyx, not Xaden
- Onyx Storm Theories – A complete collection
- Onyx Storm
- Rebecca Yarros Book 3 – Onyx Storm Teasers
- Rebecca Yarros Book 3 – Onyx Storm Title Meaning
- Rebecca Yarros Book 3 – Onyx Storm January 21st, 2025
- Predictions for Book 3 Empyrean Series
- Book 3 release date, Empyrean Series by Rebecca Yarros
Onyx Storm Read Along
- Onyx Storm Read Along: Prologue
- Onyx Storm Read Along – Chapter 1
- Onyx Storm Read Along – Chapter 2
- Onyx Storm Read Along – Chapter 3
- Onyx Storm Read Along – Chapter 4
- Onyx Storm Read Along – Chapter 5
- Onyx Storm Read Along – Chapter 6
- Onyx Storm Read Along – Chapter 7
- Onyx Storm Read Along – Chapter 8
- Onyx Storm Read Along – Chapter 9
- Onyx Storm Read Along – Chapter 10
- Onyx Storm Read Along – Chapter 11
- Onyx Storm Read Along – Chapter 12
- Onyx Storm Read Along – Chapter 13
- Onyx Storm Read Along – Chapter 14
- Onyx Storm Read Along – Chapter 15
- Onyx Storm Read Along – Chapter 16
- Onyx Storm Read Along – Chapter 17
- Onyx Storm Read Along – Chapter 18
- Onyx Storm Read Along – Chapter 19
- Onyx Storm Read Along – Chapter 20
- Onyx Storm Read Along – Chapter 21
- Onyx Storm Read Along – Chapter 22
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