Onyx Storm Theory: Could Violet be pregnant

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Written by: Cory

Onyx Storm theory - Could Violet be pregnant

I received hundreds of emails asking me if there is a possibility that Violet is pregnant in Onyx Storm. It turns out there is quite a heated discussion about Violet and Xaden having a potential heir to Tyrrendor.

Is it possible that Violet is pregnant? I would like to unpack this theory based on what we know so far. For the sake of being super transparent: I do not think Violet might be pregnant. I appreciate all the fan commentary below, and it’s all very convincing.

Let’s start at the beginning: Fourth Wing, Chapter Thirty, when Violet says flat out, “I take the fertility suppressant.” Of course, we both do. The last thing anyone wants are little quadrant babies running around.”

Two things I would like to point out here: they take a fertility suppressant. It’s NOT magic, but much like what Violet creates with her mixtures, poisons, and herbs. The second thing is that nothing Rebecca Yarros writes is redundant, so the mention of “little quadrant babies” is a little concerning indeed.

Throughout the series, there has been speculation that since the move to Aretia, there may not be access to the fertility suppressant. However, Violet knows her way around medicinal herbs and concoctions, and at the very least, Brennan does. When the whole Aretia relocation happened, something tells me the professors ensured that ALL riders continued taking the suppressant.

Honestly, I thought many books nowadays point out some form of contraception, just to avoid confusion and to promote safety.

Plus, both Xaden and Violet are still young adults. Violet is what? In her second year and thus 22 years old. It just doesn’t seem likely that the author would want to introduce heirs just yet. But maybe I’m wrong…

The theory of Violet being pregnant stems from the idea that on Deverelli Island, there was no magic, and Xaden and Violet had one of their escapades. That’s fine—bear with me.

Hedotis doesn’t have magic, either. And yet, poisons and herbs still work just as well on people.

This leads me to believe that, given the fertility suppressant has to be a concoction of some sort and not magic, it would continue to work just fine. Besides, we do not know if the suppressant works for a month, a year, or three years. We also don’t know if, once taken, it continues to work until counteracted with something else (like the serum and its antidote).

Some of the theories out there suggest that Xaden counting days is in line with the timeline of Violet’s pregnancy. “Forty-seven days.” He searches my eyes and lets his breath go. “That’s how long it’s been since I channeled from the alloy in Deverelli.”

We then have Violet mentioning, “Please stay with me. Fight for the future that’s beyond all this. Sixty-six days, right?”

Finally, there’s Xaden saying he wants to reach seventy-six days: “It’s twice Barlowe’s longest stretch without draining after his first significant channeling—the cliff incident. I didn’t want to get your hopes up, but I figure that making it seventy-six days will indicate that I can stall the progression.”

My concern is that at 76 days pregnant (approximately 11 weeks), it is highly likely someone would know they are pregnant, as several noticeable physical and hormonal changes would typically have occurred by this stage. By 11 weeks, Violet would likely have missed two menstrual cycles, which is a significant indicator of pregnancy. I know she’s busy fighting a war and trying to get a cure for Xaden, but as a woman, I honestly feel she’d at least wonder—even if just in passing.

Common pregnancy symptoms, such as nausea (morning sickness), fatigue, and heightened sense of smell, are often well-established by this stage. Plus, by now, some physical signs—if subtle—would likely appear.

I foolishly thought that none of these appear in the book. And yet, other wonderful, clever readers told me to check again!

One of the points: “I finish for her, lifting my lavender lemonade to take a sip. And he thinks I need to know how to kill him.
The normally sweet drink tastes bitter in my throat.”

Now, bitterness or an unusual taste in food or drink can sometimes be a sign of pregnancy due to hormonal changes affecting taste and smell.

There are a few other things that throw me off, which, I’m afraid, would indicate that she might actually be pregnant.

In Iron Flame, Lilith tells Violet: “When you have children, we can discuss the risks you’ll take, the lies you’ll be willing to tell in order to keep them safe.” This could be interpreted as a hint toward the future of the series or simply a conversation that highlights Lilith’s eventual sacrifice to protect her children. I don’t feel strongly about it as an indication that Violet could be pregnant, but I thought I should mention it.

Another part of the theory is based on what Mira heard from the priestess: “She said the heart that beat for you—or within you—would do the wrong thing for the right reason, reach for unspeakable power, and turn dark.”

Again, I don’t feel this is an indication that the heart that beats “for or within” Violet has anything to do with a child. I feel it’s either Violet turning dark down the line or about Xaden, who has already turned dark.

“The most useless word in the language of aristocracy has been and will forever be: love. Marriage is a necessary evil to secure the line. Nothing more. Save love for your children. -Confiscated correspondence of Fen Riorson to unknown intended recipient”

We’re already toying with the theory that the cure for venin, for Xaden is going to be love. We know that he calls Violet, love in this book. But what would elevate that love even more? A child…

“Legacies usually make for stronger riders, and with as much power as you two wield? Melgren will probably escort you both to a temple of your choosing the second you’re commissioned.” […]“Just saying that you’re lucky Melgren hasn’t yanked you out of Battle Brief and personally seen to the arrangements in hope that your kid will be the one with battle foresight in twenty-one years.” Rhi bumps my shoulder.

Well, this one here does indicate is not just clever writing from RY part, but also she’s heavily implying now. I suppose there is a reason why a 5 book series takes place over 2 years only rather than more to see Violet graduate…

Lastly, in Onyx Storm, there has been discussion about a missing heir to Tyrrendor, with Bodhi being the only one who could become Duke in Xaden’s absence. I don’t think this strongly suggests Violet will have a child, but it does highlight that without Bodhi, Tyrrendor is in trouble, making it more obvious why Xaden would need Violet and potentially…an heir.

This aligns with the book’s ending: Violet and Xaden marrying to save Tyrrendor, as per Violet’s promise in Chapter 6.

I would also like to invite you to check the comments below. The renderers, fans and excellent researchers will convince that Violet might actually be pregnant. My honest opinion remains the same: I don’t love this idea at all, as I would much prefer it if this whole thing would be between Xaden and Violet only without the complication of a child. Having said all that, I do trust Rebecca Yarros that she’s going to deliver the perfect Book 4 that will just make sense.

EDIT to add: Rebecca Yarros made a remark during her Onyx Storm tour about Tairn and Sgaeyl NOT having babies because it is not a stable environment. I would like to assume that this hopefully applies for Violet and Xaden too.

What are your thoughts? Do you still feel that Violet could be pregnant after all? Let me know in the comments section below.

Onyx Storm Theories

Share that Venin and Wyvern are real!

52 responses to “Onyx Storm Theory: Could Violet be pregnant”

  1. Weren’t there a number of times on the 3 week journey to find Irid’s that she was suddenly nauseous?

    I feel like she is definitely pregnant. I wonder will being impregnated by a slightly turned venin also affect her baby?

    1. I went through it. The only times she says it is when Ridoc finds out about Xaden. But then she does use the expression I’m going to be sick, a lot. Although, as per RY’s signature writing style, it could have dual meaning, of course.

      1. I think she is and have thought so since the Irid’s said that perhaps the Venin’s offspring could evolve.
        It shows that the venin can have offspring and I wonder how them doing-the-do on a non-magical island will play into the “evolution” of said child.

        1. So we are doing a Twilight type of thing here…

  2. I personally think she is. She consistently mentions in the first half of the book how exhausted she is, Tairn and Xaden also asked her on more than one occasion if she was feeling ‘dizzy’ (this suggests to me they know – but that may be a bit of a wilder theory!) and the biggest clue was that she noted the date; chapter 45, page 376. But nothing ever came to fruition as to why it was significant. I think it was from Iron Flame that she was pregnant- so I don’t think Xaden was Venin when it happened. Along with the constant mention of Tyrrendor not having an heir, my thoughts are that it is a very possible possibility!

    1. Ufff! I really don’t want to accept it 😩😭😭😭
      I just don’t feel like the story would make beautiful sense. Unless their child would be the one who bring xaden back around.

      But at the moment, I wouldn’t love violet being pregnant before Mira.

    2. Not saying she isn’t but Violent is supposed to have a connective tissue disorder like RY. Fatigue and dizziness (related to POTS) are common symptoms

      1. I agree 100%. I’m not keen on her being pregnant because it’s giving me Twilight vibes and I’m not in love with the idea. But then again, who knows, maybe it’s going to be the best course of action for the arc.

      2. I’m reading this and although I was thinking the possibility of pregnancy too as someone who has a EDS it can come with a lot of issues such as POTS. They talk about her almost passing out a lot and her heart racing and fatigue. I think that may have something to do with it but I have more theories on why I think she could be pregnant.

        1. Do tell us the theories. I do HOPE she is NOT pregnant. As it’s just not my style of fantasy I enjoy, but ultimately, I’m here for the story.

    3. What about the quote the book keeper says when they go and retrieve Violet’s dad’s books when she says “what you call the divine intervention of love we call alchemy. Two substances combined to make something new, not unlike what’s between the two of you.” She glances between Xaden and I and sets a hand on her chest.

      Is that not an indicator of something ?

  3. There is so much talk in the book about the subject of an heir from different people, from the friends joking about it, that Melgren himself leads X and V to the temple so that they produce a strong heir. Next from the nobles and even Xaden insists that Bodhi, as his current heir, must not put himself in danger. Hedotis is also concerned with the issue of marriage in order to produce an heir. There is sudden pressure from all sides. Even though I’m very sure that Xaden wants to marry Violet, he’s not interested in an heir at that moment, but in the relationship. And hey in this world, how would it go down if Xaden suddenly said, hey Violet the world is falling apart around us, we’re at war, we can’t sleep together because I might lose control, but let’s sire an heir for Tyrrendor quick? Since that’s not realistic, the only way RY can make sure Tyrrendor gets an heir is through the back door. We know far too little about fertility inhibitors. It could well be that only the combination of the drug and magic provides reliable contraception. Even in the real world, there are children who are born despite the pill. The other point is that Violet is always in pain; there is never any mention of problems during her period or menstruation at all.

    This may also be suppressed as with some anti-baby pills. Also, she is always ready to engage in sexual interaction with Xaden. She doesn’t even say, hey I’m sorry, but I’m in my red phase. That alone is also not realistic if the young women had regular menstruation. That would also be very impractical as dragon riders, just with all the hours of dragon flying, that too with periods, no thanks. As for age, it shouldn’t be an issue, it’s said dragonriders marry after graduation precisely because they die so early/young, precisely to father children. We have a huge easter egg just before Violet and Xaden interact on Deverelli.

    “The most useless word in the language of the aristocracy was, is and always will be: Love. Marriage is a necessary evil to ensure the preservation of one’s lineage. Nothing more. Save your love for your children.”
    Confiscated correspondence from Fen Riorson Recipient unknown
    The pregnancy has to come about through the back door, so to speak, and if we think about the Venin issue, Deverelli may not be in any danger of the child getting anything from it.

    What would be the disadvantages of pregnancy?
    – Danger to Violet and the child as a dragon rider due to the war, etc.
    – The pregnancy would probably have to last until the end of book 4
    – Where should the child be looked after then, because Violet can’t just drop everything and let the world come to an end?
    If Xaden needs more reasons to stop being Venin and needs a solution to end this war, then a child would be the absolute driver, besides his love for Violet. After his own experiences, he would probably want to be a very different father and have a different family life than he knew
    – A heir gives Violet even more legitimacy to act as a duchess
    – Violet will have even more reasons to end this war, just like Xaden
    – No one will think of marrying Xaden elsewhere if Violet has a child by him

    1. Hi Mirja, thank you so much for this incredibly detailed explanation. For the sake of objectivity, I will add a few of your points within the main article, with your permission.
      Overall, you make some incredibly compelling points! I have to say, I’m not easily swayed, but you have me.
      I honestly thought we will have a young adult military fantasy book and not at all dip into motherhood too.

  4. Contrary to what you’ve mentioned there are physical signs of pregnancy showing in a book. On top of dizziness and tiredness (which could be linked to chronic illness but doesn’t have to) there are mentions that Violet is neuseous e.g. in a battle brief right after the group comes back from the iles and that she doesn’t know if she wants to eat or vomit. As well as the mentions of her changing taste during the scene in a bar when she mentions that the lavender lemonade she’s drinking is too sour than normally and she puts it down.
    I think this all either be treated as signs of chronic illness and/or unimportant things that are just mentioned to add more texture to the scene but I think that RY is a very meaningful writer and those easter eggs do actually have a meaning.

    1. I absolutely do not think these are redundant. Alright, I’m doing a re read and I will be try my very best to keep an open mind and read all of them as if she were pregnant and report back in a few days!

    2. But I do want to ask since if I have you here 😊 why would we need violet to be pregnant? What would we gain from this in the book?
      Would the baby be a cure? Is that the idea?

      1. The only reason this would make sense to me is if it’s another “history repeats itself” moment. Lilith turned venin for her child. And Violet will be in the same situation. A child as the cure? For Dunne, no!

        1. I hear you I hear you. But my theory (I’m writing it btw) is that love is the cure. And Xaden calls Violet, love. Violet is the cure. She was the one who grounded him during the Battle of Draithus. He kept a thread of his soul because of her. But a child? Now that would be the most profound of loves no?
          Should she be pregnant, I feel the child would be the cure in a hypothetical way. Ultimate love to bring him back one way or another. I think there is a lot more to the cure as well, but in theory that’s why I think a child would at least be part of it. I still pray to Dunne that Violet is not pregnant. I don’t know why, it just doesn’t sit well with me.

      2. Traditional fantasy politics. If Xaden is outed, they would have to prove without a doubt that he was cured and even then there would be people against him taking rule back. Especially if he is blamed for the attack.

        Sure, Violet is Duchess and has rule – great for Navarre as her family was trusted by the Empire. But there were a few that stated that someone not Tyrrish on the Burned Throne would cause issues with the locals. Like they were being taken over again. Not all of them are on Violet’s side.

        If she is preggo and Xaden’s (the rightful ruler) is raised in Tyrrendor and she claims to only be a regent until the kid is old enough to rule in their own right (with a council of natives) it could appease both sides.

        The way I see it – in book 1, venin were nothing but silly folk lore the characters talked about to bond. Then they were real. Book 2, Violet is thinking a lot about the complications and ramifications of being inntinnsic. Then we learn about all the secret inntinnsics. Book 3, sure they have all this talk about getting married to have an heir, to have a legacy rider because they are more likely to survive. Well, they got married…

        1. I’m slowwwwwly getting turned myself 🙂 Not venin, just to clarify! But I can see why the idea of Violet being pregnant could make sense. That said, I’m still telling everyone flat out that I don’t love it. I just don’t think it makes sense for the book to go in that direction. It would be so much more interesting to have Violet and Xaden fight side by side without the complications of a child.

          Then again, it’s possible their child could end up being the sole survivor, which might explain all the recovered correspondence. I can’t quite picture Violet and Xaden trying to find everything themselves, but their child? They would have every reason to dive into everything their parents and grandparents left behind, especially with Jesinia’s help, to create a new history book.

          Even with all the logic and potential fun in that, I have to say—I’d much rather have a happy ending where Violet, Xaden, and the squads get to thrive. Maybe throw in an epilogue where they have kids, or save that for book six, just for fun, you know?

          1. Book six, or a spin off series…I’m down for the latter.

          2. A spin off series? Pleaseeeee, I just want all the manuals and manuscripts Violet has been reading all this time 😀

  5. There’s quite a bit of foreshadowing alluding to heirs and children…i had the thought that it might be in reference to Tairn and Sgaeyl, given the egg sitch at the end, but i haven’t convinced myself of that just yet.

    The foreshadowing has been there since the beginning though… whether it means a dramatic plot line baby, or an epilogue baby i couldn’t quite tell you at this point

    FW Chapter 26
    “Raegan was pregnant when Rhiannon left. Can you imagine not being there with me if I had a kid.” Violet to Mira at Montserrat

    FW Chapter 30
    “I take the fertility suppressant.” Of course, we both do. The last thing any wants is little quadrant babies running around.

    IF Chapter 36
    ” When you have children, we can discuss the risks you’ll take, the lies you’ll be willing to tell in order to keep them safe.”

    OS Chapter 16
    “Me too, but Basgiath isn’t exactly friendly for raising kids.”

    OS Chapter 27
    The most useless word in the language of aristocracy has been and will forever be: love. Marriage is a necessary evil to secure the line. Nothing more. Save love for your children. -Confiscated correspondence of Fen Riorson to unknown intended recipient

    OS Chapter 13
    ”I bet leadership secretly loves that you’re with Riorson,” Sawyer says to me, shifting his grip on the handrail of his right crutch. “Legacies usually make for stronger riders, and with as much power as you two wield? Melgren will probably escort you both to a temple of your choosing the second you’re commissioned.”
    ”Doubt Loial would let me in,” I mutter. “Can’t remember the last time I stepped foot in her temple.” I’d stopped praying to her years ago, along with Hedeon out of pure spite. Love and wisdom hadn’t exactly shown up when I’d needed them to.
    ”If the general even waits that long.” Rhi lifts her brows. “Riorson’s already graduated.”
    “Not something we’ve discussed.” I shake my head. “And I’m not against it in the future, but I’m more focused on living until graduation. What about you?”
    “Maybe one day,” She muses. “Just saying that you’re lucky Melgren hasn’t yanked you out of Battle Brief and personally seen to the arrangements in hope that your kid will be the one with battle foresight in twenty-one years.” Rhi bumps my shoulder

    OS Chapter 35
    ”So many young royals here. So many potential alliances. Why are you not contracted to one another? It seems…foolish not to forge futures and provide heirs who could unite your kingdoms.”

    1. Dear Poppy, thank you for your excellent research. I will add some of them to the main article to keep it fair.
      It seems like I’m getting more and more convinced of the possibility.

      I do wonder about it though, would Rebecca Yarros really put a baby in the mix? And if that’s the case, Gods be with us, because I think Book 4 would go so dark and so scary with her being in danger all the time.

      1. I know! Onyx Storm already has me just a bundle of nerves, but the reality is there are two more books and I highly doubt book 5 is going to be hundreds of pages of HEAs and peaceful government committees justly and appropriately prioritizing the citizenry of the continent 🙂 It’s the final narrative peak.

        Book 4 is probably going to knot up our stomachs even a touch more. Baby or no baby I’m along for the ride and I am staying open-minded and trusting Yarros to navigate whatever is in store for these characters.

        To add one more quote I forgot about… the Irids also have that moment where they say “Their offspring could evolve perhaps.” Which does lead me to believe that IF there is a baby, they would play a significant role in wherever the plot leads for the parents…

        1. Well said! Baby or no baby, the author is going to create a fantastical book, no doubt about it!
          Do we think it’s possible for Xaden and Violet to die for the baby to survive? Recover all that correspondence? And put together the books as Violet’s journals? Which Jesinia translates?

          1. Yes to all possibilities! 🙂

            And if we get REALLY speculative…maybe their child holds a new role given that the entire book is “translated from Navarrian into the modern language…” which indicates to me that at the end of this saga Navarre no longer holds all the power…what other territory might instead then? 😉

          2. I LOVE that idea. Unless, the new generation has peace agreements across the continents and the isles, sharing resources, thus needing a modern language. :O

  6. Hi Cory, would be very nice to use my ideas in your theory. The thought, that Violet and Xaden will die and the child will collect all the information would break the hearts. I hope RY won’t do that. The romantasy would in my opinion be lost, cause we are not in a Drama of Shakespeare or Goethe. We should keep in mind RY has six children and she knows how important family is, especially when we think about her experiences with her husbands military career. I think we can feel much of the pain it brings in Xadens suffering in OS.

  7. I really hope we don’t get a baby in this story unless it’s in an epilogue and it’s a happy ending. Wishful thinking right?

    But I think we’re forgetting one thing if I hasn’t been brought up yet. Tairn is super protective of Violet. I have a super strong suspicion that he would not let her ride if she was pregnant. He would ground her until the baby was born. At this point if she’s 70+ plus days into her pregnancy, I would think that Tairn would be able to scent something different in her.

    1. No no, but I agree. I don’t love the idea. I mean, I trust the author to do us all justice with the books, but yeah, I’m not fond of that idea either. Probably because I love the idea of Violet and Xaden figuring things out for themselves first.
      I agree with you, I do think if anything, dragons would be able to tell…

  8. Hi Cory and another interesting thing I just thought about, Violet describes a rune which can reactivate other runes. What if this rune can reactivate Xadens stone that Mrs Mairi had made for the execution of Fen Riorson? It could protect a child of Xaden…little spooky I think.

    1. I think we are learning more and more about runes and just how important they truly are. And it’s sad that it’s “lost” knowledge. To us too, because there’s so much to unwrap about them.
      I wonder if Navarre is going to reactivate the rune against fliers…

  9. So I would like to point out that when Rhi said the how Melgren thing. Violet get’s a missave from the temple and in the quote where Rhi states that Violet is most likely going to be forced to have a kid(I think that is what she was implying) they were going to be dragged to the temple. And where did the missave come from? The TEMPLE! I believe there is something fishy here. And when Xaden said “It’s all yours now don’t come looking for me” I think he might be implying that not only Tyrrendor Is now Violets. But rather Violet and her child. I’m just saying.AND CHAPTER 16 OF OS STATES “Me too, but Basgiath isn’ t friendly for raising kids”

    1. I cannot imagine that Xaden would say that to Violet about her child. There’s no way in this universe he would basically tell her that he takes no responsibility for his child. No way!

  10. We should also think about the pattern with love and death which RY usually use in the books. It is unimageable that she would break this pattern totally in the next book. We should ask ourselves how the book can work in the new circumstances. And when we look back Xaden and Violet have talked about new rules in the scene Xaden returned from Lewellen. Their rules normally last longer than a few days. Another thought to the rune stone, Andarna said she wouldn’t accept that Violet would be incinerated as a penalty. The reactivated stone could protect Violet, too as long as she is pregnant. So imagine an execution, which is terrible, but Violet is protected through the stone.

    1. I mean I also read something interesting in the book yesterday during my re-read “title overpowers rank every day.”
      I don’t think she can be touched.
      Also “Obviously you’re a fucking duke,” Halden snaps. “Lewellen made sure of it, didn’t he? The second most powerful title in the godsdamned kingdom goes to a Riorson of all bloodlines.”

      The second most powerful title…now goes to Violet. She’s untouchable.

  11. I´m just listening to some Taylor Swift songs (TPD) and it is really fun and exciting. I could imagine to this theory the song: “But daddy I love Him” is remarkable.
    Now I’m runnin’ with my dress unbuttoned
    Scrеamin’, “But, Daddy, I love him”
    I’m havin’ his baby
    No, I’m not, but you should see your faces
    I’m tellin’ him to floor it through thе fences
    No, I’m not coming to my senses
    I know he’s crazy, but he’s the one I want.

    What do you think about it? I think i´ve found a good song about Halden, too: ” The smallest man, who ever lived”

    1. The smallest man, who ever lived -> hahahahha I love it.

      The song you found, it feels like it’s related to Xaden. Also, I love this But, Daddy, I love him” I’m havin’ his baby No, I’m not, but you should see your faces

      It’s like RY is playing with us as well. Hmmm

  12. OMG I’ ve just read a post that the song “But Daddy I love him” will be in RY playlist for book 4! Maybe I just started reading intentions over oceans and continents.

      1. RY should have said this in Denver Q&A on her tour

        1. I need to check the Q&A for it. I’m out with work until Friday and GAH I feel like I’m falling behind.
          Someone sent me an email telling me that she pretty much confirmed Violet is not pregnant (thank GODS) and that broccoli will be fine.
          Errrrrrrr ok. but what about Tairn???

          1. She mentioned 3 songs: first one I didn’t catch, but the others are But daddy I love him and I can fix him 😉

          2. Well I think we are in for a major rollercoaster. I think she is going to be SO angry with Xaden!

  13. Other potential pregnancy symptoms are the repeated mention on nausea and almost passing out. I feel this was mentioned more in this book than the others.

    1. Luckily, the author confirmed she is not pregnant. phewwwww

  14. Probably it would be the best to watch a Video of the Denver Q&A. I have read she was surprised about questions to contraceptives. And she denied an accidental pregnancy. What if a non accidental pregnancy happens? Sure this would be unreasonable.

    1. Thank the Gods, right? I did say I don’t believe she is pregnant, I don’t want her pregnant! 100% YESSSSSSS I was really excited to hear that RY herself said no to this nonsense <3

  15. I was thinking maybe Tairn knows Violet is pregnant when he tells Xaden to make sure she eats while she’s mourning her bond being severed with Andarna. (But just saw your comment RY has confirmed she’s not pregnant!)

    1. Luckily, RY did confirm that she’s def not!

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