Take your Empyrean Series Quiz

Empyrean Series Quizzes

Welcome to our dedicated Empyrean Series and Fourth Wing quizzes page! As fans of Rebecca Yarros’ Empyrean Series, we’ve crafted a collection of quizzes to help you dive deeper into the world of Navarre, dragons, signets, and the unforgettable characters that inhabit this universe.

Our quizzes cover a wide range of topics, from discovering your dragon to identifying your signet power, determining your character match, and more. Whether you’re a long-time fan or new to the series, our quizzes offer a fun and interactive way to engage with the world of Fourth Wing.

Stay tuned as we regularly update our quiz collection to bring you new and exciting ways to explore the Empyrean Series. Dive in now and let the adventure begin!

Fourth Wing Quiz

What’s your Fourth Wing Dragon?

What is your Signet Ability?

Fourth Wing Quiz

Iron Flame Quiz

Iron Flame Quiz

Iron Flame Quiz – Extreme Edition

Fourth Wing TV Series Cast

Vote here for your favorite actors for the upcoming Fourth Wing TV Series

Who should be cast for Fourth Wing series?

10 responses to “Take your Empyrean Series Quiz”

  1. Love this site! Love the quizzes and how it just all things Fourth Wing! Thanks for putting this together for all of us to enjoy 😊

    1. I’m so happy you like it! Sending hugs

  2. I did not know my full name would auto correct in there. Can you change it to just Emily? It won’t let me delete or change it

  3. Awesome website. I come to it regularly. Love the quizes, I do them every once in a while and they are well made to suit the personality of or the rider of dragon.
    And the Theories are so well researched and well worded. I can’t believe you took all the time to quote all those lines from the book. In some there are like more than 20 quotes from the book. I would probably not have the patience to do so

    I love the description of the characters. They are well formed and I can see it is written by someone who has read it many times to from this full view.

    You put a lot of effort into naming and giving a short description to all the characters, dragons, signets and location, even if they are only named once in the book or weren’t a plot component.

    I really can see you have put a lot of time and effort into this website. It has not gone unnoticed and I am happy I came across it. Can’t wait to hear more theorie and try more quizzes when Iron Flame comes out on 7 November.

    1. Thank you so so much for your kind comment. You can’t even imagine but it really means the world to me! Because I made this with so much love, for other people who love the series. Thank you!

  4. I have been obsessed with these books since I stumbled upon them. I thought it was mere accident that I found these books, but it’s like they found me. I’m glad to have found this page and the social club as well. I thought I might be the only one so in love with the story and books, but glad I’m not. I’ve asked so many friends to read it so I have others to talk to about them, but I seem to have the strongest feelings. Thank you for this page and bringing so many people together.

    1. You are most welcome! We are a bunch of super obsessed fans here hehe <3

  5. Absolutely amazing website. A phenomenon!

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Hello! This site is dedicated to the Empyrean Series by Rebecca Yarros. I’ve made this place to explore the rich world of Empyrean, full of characters, theories, and places. Each post is carefully researched and updated with the newest details from the series. This site is also a great spot for discussing theories about the Empyrean Series. πŸ‰
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