Onyx Storm Theory: How to get Xaden’s soul back

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Written by: Cory

Onyx Storm Theory: How to get Xaden's soul back

While reading Onyx Storm again (I know, third time already), I started thinking of all the possible ways we can get Xaden’s soul back. I already mentioned in my previous theory that I think Violet will have to differentiate between Xaden’s shadows to get to him, but how can we possibly get his soul back?

At the end of Onyx Storm, we know that Xaden sacrificed all but one thread of his soul to save Violet and Sgaeyl. We’ve also been discussing that Violet might need to “kill the other guy he becomes.” He said it himself:

“You should be.” Xaden pushes off the tree and walks toward us. “And I’m making sure Violet’s capable of killing me when the time comes. If it’s between her and me, I choose her. Kill the other guy I become.”

For a while, I’ve been thinking about the whole kill one part of Xaden to save the other idea. But we all know why this seems familiar and why we wouldn’t want it again. Yes, I’m talking about the HP series, and I somehow think our incredibly smart author will come up with something new for us.

We speculate together that love is all we need, right? That would make sense. Violet loves him, and every time there is a problem with Xaden (the dark one—ha!), it’s Violet who brings him back. In fact, just as he was about to lose all parts of his soul, she screams, I love you, and he holds on to that last thread.

Remember, he didn’t marry Violet to protect Tyrrendor; he did what he promised her—he used Tyrrendor to protect her. Title over rank in Navarre, always. This means he still loves her.

While it makes sense that love will be used to restore his soul, we first need to get the soul back to him.

Who collects souls? Malek.

My heart only beats as long as yours does, and when you die, I’ll meet Malek at your side.

Yup, I think these two actually need to meet the god and barter an exchange to be able to get Xaden’s soul back. Something tells me that maybe Violet will use the broken compass to head to Malek. Or maybe she will use it to find Xaden first.

His gaze jumps to mine like a compass pulled north. (I think this is the quote we needed.)

But that empty glass box—“an empty glass box the size of his foot, with pewter hinges and edges”—from Zihnal? I think that might be used to store pieces of a soul.

We have far too little right now to go by, and I’m sure I will update this theory a million times as I find more useful paragraphs.

What do you think? Will we have to meet Malek to be able to collect Xaden’s soul? Let me know your thoughts in the comments section below.

Share that Venin and Wyvern are real!

15 responses to “Onyx Storm Theory: How to get Xaden’s soul back”

  1. Hi Cory, I think that Zinhals gifts will be useful, too. We have visited the isles in OS, one main isle Loial is left, the smaller isles and they could go north. What if the goods live in the north? There was a few hints to the north and this could show us something for future books. Additional it would be great to learn more about the nature of venin. Jack told some things to Violet and I think we can watch Xaden and what is left of him. I noticed that the fact which kind of Emoticons venin have or not is important. And I have still hope for Xaden as long he has a conscience and clearly still loves Violet.

    1. I am talking to another fan and theorist about every dragon belonging to a God somehow. I can’t stop thinking about where the dragons come from, their colors and how the species are. In relation to Gods.
      And loial…do we think maybe all the irids live on loial isle?

  2. I mean gods not goods in the north


  4. I’m with you on all of this.
    I also think Ridoc is going to come into play somehow. Like he froze his soul, or he freezes the sage, or something. I don’t know, but I feel like him using his signet successfully on the wyrven, shown in Rhiannon’s chapter at the end means something.
    I also think that Aaric is one of the missing riders because he flew off before the battle, maybe to get the eggs and take them wherever he saw they needed to be.
    Which leaves 2 missing riders.
    I like the Brennan theory, I also still think it could be Bodhi because he realized he can’t counter their signet but I agree the timing doesn’t make sense because Imogen’s chapter places Garrick and Bodhi with her and it appears to take place at the same time as Xaden’s chapter.
    I’m off to do more research!
    I have a super wild theory that I would love to discuss with an expert!

    1. Ugh! Ridoc just became a badass, right? From the cute, not-a-care-in-the-world type of guy, to I will literally freeze the liquid inside of you and you will crack type of guy!
      I feel like Ridoc really values Violet’s life. And I don’t quite get…why? Is it just deep friendship? Does he like her?
      Agreed! Aaric is missing, Garrick is missing. Bodhi is missing? Who is the fourth?

      I want to hear your wild theory!!! Just a little note, I am away with work today so I might not be able to reply within the next 12-12 hours 😀

      1. Madalyn Gray Maddaluno Avatar
        Madalyn Gray Maddaluno

        Xaden is missing too. they know that the shadows were him but he isn’t there and therefore is missing,

  5. I’d love to hear more about why you think the glass box might be used to keep pieces of Xaden’s soul.
    I think there’s more to the gifts from Zihnal, but need to reread more to solidify my theories about them!

    1. I don’t know why. Probably because it was empty and gifted to him specifically on the island of luck. Something tells me that it’s a box that can store magical items or his very soul. The God is chaos, and that was the first of my thoughts.
      Having said all that…the rusty bucket?

  6. Oh my god these theories are so good! Yeah I think the gifts from Zihnal will play a huge role too. Especially the compass but the idea with the glass Box ist really interesting! I didn’t think of that as a possibiltiy but it is a really good idea. I honestly hope that they won’t go to meet Malek. I don’t know but personally I really don’t want this series to turn too much into the God direction. I liked the variety it brought into Onyx Storm but I don’t want it to be too much in the Focus. I too think Ridoc will play a huge role but I’m not shure If it’s in relation to physically freezing Xadens Soul or something. But in battle with the Venin it’s a good idea. Like if lightning can kill them freezing them should do some damage too right? I honestly don’t think they will Take Garrik away- RIGHT? I really, really hope so for Imogen. I have a feeling that maybe Violets father will play a role again. I mean we already discovered in Onyx Storm that her father wasn’t excactly the saint we thoughts him to be. So
    maybe he is alive or even Venin? Or with the Irids? What do you think? Btw I’m really sorry for my English. It’s not my first language and I still make many mistakes. But I hope you know what I mean

    1. Am I weird for really wanting them to meet with Malek? I just think he’s going to be amazing. I love the thought of this God!
      OMG, you clever girl! YES! Ridoc freezing them enough for Violet to kill them, that’s pretty brilliant!

      Asher will def play a bigger role in Book 4. Because I think she was touched by another God: Malek 😀

      Asher is dead dead. RY confirmed this a lot of the times. Please don’t apologize, your english is excellent!
      I think the irids are not such great dragons, not sure why? They give me a weird feeling.

  7. I think the glass box will “restore” whatever is put in it. The last we see, the dagger with the missing emerald was put in it by Xaden (yes, I think that emerald is in Vi’s ring). I think the dagger will be restored and Vi will wonder what else might be restored….perhaps the broken compass or Xaden’s soul.

    1. I hope it’s for Xaden’s soul. I love the idea of mending!

  8. “May their souls be commended to Malek” implies there’s an alternative

    1. So we’re thinking the souls, when not commended, might be somewhere else?

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