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Written by: Cory

Malek, the God of Death in Empyrean Series by Rebecca Yarros
RoleGod of Death

In tribute to Malek, it is customary to incinerate the items of the deceased. This is typically carried out in a burning pit, which is essentially an oversized iron barrel.

Origin of the name

According to one of our readers (see comments below), Malek has an Islamic reference: Malek being the name of the angel that is the guardian of hell.

Another reference could be as Malik which in Islam means King. Please note that Malik, in this case, is spelled differently.

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8 responses to “Malek”

    1. Forgot to add the Goddess in the wiki! Thank you for this, I can add her now!

  1. Do you know if Malek is a real god in a type of mythology? If so which one and if not is he one Rebecca Yarros created? Would he be copyrighted? I’m pretty sure Amair is a real goddess what about the others? Are they real? And in which mythology?

    1. Well, I’ve asked my friend who did religious studies at uni.

      The name God Malek does not appear to be associated with any specific deity or figure in widely recognized mythologies. However, the term “Malek” (or similar variants like “Malik” or “Molek”) can be found in various cultural and religious contexts, each with its own distinct meanings and associations.

      Malik in Islamic Tradition: In Islamic theology, “Malik” is one of the 99 names of Allah, translating to “King” or “Sovereign”. It’s a title of respect and signifies the supreme authority of God in Islam.

      Molech in Ancient Near Eastern Context: Molech (or Moloch) is a figure mentioned in the Bible, particularly in the context of the ancient Canaanite religion. This deity is often associated with child sacrifice, although the exact nature and historical reality of this practice remain subjects of scholarly debate.

      The root of the word “Malik” or similar variants appears in many languages and cultures, often carrying the general meaning of “king” or “ruler”. It’s possible that in some local myths or lesser-known traditions, there could be a deity or mythical figure with a name similar to “Malek”, but such a figure doesn’t appear in the most commonly known mythologies.

      1. So you are partially right in the part regarding islamic reference. “malik” in Arabic means king and it would not be pronounced same as Malek. One of the 99 names of god in Islam would in this case be “el malik” which means “The king”.
        But there is actually another reference to Islam, “Malek” is actually the name of the angel that is the guardian of hell. I have no idea if Malek in the book series is taken from this reference but just thought it was really interesting and that’s why I googled it myself.

        1. This is super useful and very interesting. I will add it under Malek as well. I think, if there was a reference at all, it would be related to the Guardian of Hell. That would just make more sense, right?

          1. Yep, to me it makes sense. But it’s not very well known.

            Here is the wikipedia reference:'an%2C%20Maalik,instead%20of%20a%20proper%20name.

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