Onyx Storm Read Along – Chapter 10

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Written by: Cory

Onyx Storm read along chapter 10

It goes without saying that THERE ARE MAJOR SPOILERS AHEAD. If you haven’t read this chapter of Onyx Storm, please go read it first.

If there’s one thing I’ve learned from this series, it’s that no sentence is ever written without purpose. Nothing is redundant—likely one of the main reasons the Empyrean Series is so successful.

The chapter begins with Violet mentioning the Stonewater River, which will become the most treacherous on the Continent in a few months due to spring runoff. She also discusses the region’s unpredictable weather. I don’t know why, but this feels like critical information. And again, nothing is ever redundant here. Why is there unpredictable weather there?

We quickly learn that Tairn is flying into a storm. Every time I read the word storm, I can’t help but get excited—is this a subtle nod to the book’s title?

Tairn gives Violet a dire warning: “Do not channel more than you wield!” This raises an intriguing question: Can all riders do this? Can they “hold on” to magic they channel before wielding it?

Tairn also delivers another of his signature lines, dismissing the Gods in true dragon fashion: “If you remove that belt, I will unseat you over the river and let your meager Gods sort you out.” Why are dragons so arrogant about the Gods? I know they don’t pay heed to human deities, but calling them “meager” feels unnecessary. What’s the root of this disdain? So many questions!

Then, the silver-haired venin is back—an exciting yet terrifying turn. And Garrick? What’s he doing here? My immediate thought was that Xaden sent him as a new “Liam”—a shadow to protect Violet.

The tornado scene was easily the most terrifying part of the book so far. Violet flat out tells Malek she’s not ready to meet him, and to me, this feels like a command. Once again, Violet demonstrates how much she’s grown—she stands her ground even in the face of death.

When the bond goes dark, I literally stood up from the sofa, shrieking. How dare Rebecca Yarros put Tairn in harm’s way? There’s no universe worth living in without Tairn. I had to close the book, make a cup of tea, and sit with my anxiety and rage for ten minutes before I could even consider continuing.

When I finally picked it up again, the nightmare worsened. Andarna screams that she can’t feel Tairn. My stomach hollowed, and I screamed internally.

Andarna’s line—“Stay with me,” she pleads, her voice breaking. “You both have to stay.”—had me wondering: Can she, like Violet, command others to stay? Is Andarna a type of God?

We also learn that Garrick’s dragon, Chradh, is knocked out. The riot doesn’t even know Chradh is there. This tornado was something else entirely.

Key Points to Highlight:

  • Tairn, though not dead, had the bond severed with Violet and Andarna. This shows it’s possible for a dragon to fully block their bond without being dead.
  • A dragon can completely block out their riot.
  • The serum isn’t the only thing that blocks bonds—being knocked out apparently has a similar effect.

Then comes confirmation: Xaden did send Garrick for Violet. We also learn that Xaden lost control, just as predicted in earlier Iron Flame theories.

Hello, Garrick—the wind wielder. Violet catches on quickly here. We’d thought Aaric was a distance wielder, but nope—it’s Garrick. This explains why Rebecca Yarros said she’d pick him for a deserted island. Fun! Garrick just become incredible.

And then, lightning strike! But it’s not from Violet. It’s from the venin. Do venin have signets? This changes everything.

This venin shares a lot with Violet: pale skin and silver hair, as well as a common signet? That’s unsettling.

The nightmares Violet experienced in Iron Flame also resurface, only that this time is Garrick suspended in the air. What’s happening here?

The venin, Theophanie, confirms that her path and Violet’s are intertwined, and I honestly don’t know what to do with this information. She knows Violet’s name and even knows of Xaden.

Something Theophanie says: Violet praises Garrick’s life over information.” This hits hard because Violet has always said she needs information to stay grounded. Does this moment redefine her true nature? Maybe what Violet truly needs isn’t just knowledge, but knowledge as a weapon to protect the people she loves. To me, this reiterates that her second signet has something to do with knowledge.

Theophanie’s shrug reminds Violet of the Duchess of Morraine, which is downright eerie. Again, I must remind you that Rebecca Yarros doesn’t do redundant. So why bring this comparison here?

We also get confirmation that Violet is the only person ever to bond with two dragons. This is unheard of, even in centuries of venin history.

Easter Egg:“Now tell me, which chose you first? The one who gifted you the power of the sky? Or the irid?”

Why does Theophanie require this information? Was she bonded to a dragon before, since she has a signet?

Oh wow, what a revelation! We finally learn from the venin what Andarna is—an irid! This is absolutely mind-blowing, and of course, it makes so much sense. Irid must be short for “iridescent,” a nod to Andarna’s shimmering, multicolored scales. And don’t forget, it was mentioned in the prologue that Andarna could change colors, which also alters the magic she wields.

It’s not just her uniqueness as an irid that has us all captivated; it’s the fact that we’re finally getting more world-building around them. Irids have been hidden, lost to history, or simply so rare that no one even remembers them: but the venin!

The big question remains—who bonded Violet first? Was it Tairn, or was it Andarna? And why is this such a pivotal point for Theophanie, the venin, to focus on?

If Theophanie is so interested, there has to be more to it. Could the order of the bonds signify something about Violet’s abilities, her role in the greater battle against the venin, or even her path?

I’m bursting with questions and theories here.

Read the Next Chapters:

Share that Venin and Wyvern are real!

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