It goes without saying that THERE ARE MAJOR SPOILERS AHEAD. If you haven’t read this chapter of Onyx Storm, please go read it first.
As expected, the chapter opens with a touch of intimacy between Xaden and Violet, along with some new nuggets of information. Sgaeyl sensed that Tairn was in danger (and with that, Violet too). She didn’t tell Xaden, I suppose out of fear that he would lose control and channel to protect them.
We also witnessed something sad. When Xaden gets angry, there’s something darker and darker inside of him: his shadows flee. I feel like this was bound to happen. I did say previously that Xaden was bound to lose control. I suppose it was natural to happen in increments as well.
“I would have killed anything and anyone in that moment to reach you. No exceptions. I would have channeled every ounce of power beneath my feet without hesitation if it would have landed me at your side.”
[…]“If I’d been there, beyond the wards, I would have drained the very earth to its core to keep you safe.”
Anyone else saying this? We would all die of fear. Xaden saying this to Violet? We somehow find it romantic. But the truth is, I think it’s a hint at where Xaden is going. He’s going dark!
Interrupting Xaden’s intense declaration to Violet, something interesting caught my attention.
“They’re all hazy and leaning more toward green than blue.” Meaning her eyes. Have you ever stopped to wonder that the irids are the only other things that change color? Why do her eyes change color?
It’s one of the first things we find out about Violet at the beginning of Fourth Wing: “My eyes are just as indecisive, a light hazel of varying blues and ambers that never seems to favor either actual color.”
We know from previous statements that Xaden notices how her eyes change. And we also know from Andarna that her magic is different when she changes color.
Chapter 12 is when we find out that many marked ones have second signets. Not all, though. But at least it makes me feel better about my theory on Liam. It was not an editorial error! Liam did wield ice as well. Which begs the question: what other signet will Sloane develop? Yes, I do have an idea about it, but I can’t quite talk about it until we get to that chapter.
“More like building their own army.”—the reference when Xaden said that their dragons came looking for the marked ones. I have to ask—are dragons only fighting venin? Or is there more to it? Are they only protecting their Vales and the hatchlings? Or is there another layer to this? Dragons are very secretive and do use humans for their signets, wards, and runes. But there has to be more to it, right?
The biggest and most important Easter egg in the whole book is here: “I’ll use Tyrrendor to protect you, not you to protect Tyrrendor.” Because I think our Xaden might just do that.
Alright, so we find out that venin have signets. I do wonder how this is possible. Did they get their signets from before—when they were potentially riders, bonded to dragons? They say that signets are the result of the unique chemistry between dragon and rider. But is that really how it works? Could it be that magic, once channeled, can result in signets? So many questions, and I honestly don’t have the answers for you. Either way, once the dragons are gone—whether they existed for venin or not—the venin seem to retain their signets. And that is scary.
The letter written from Xaden to Violet via Garrick and Imogen (can we put these two together already?) is really sad. I cannot believe that, despite everything, Xaden continues to lose a little bit of himself. Also, what the hell is the solution he has in mind to prevent future “burnouts”?
I don’t know about you, but the dialogue between Imogen and Violet always makes me happy…and curious. I love Imogen so much and feel like we’re not giving her enough spotlight. Can we have more between the two moving forward?
“Emery looks at what Heaton’s laid down and sighs. ‘You have unnaturally good luck with cards.’ ‘Zihnal is with me.’ Heaton grins.”
I don’t know why, but I feel like this is really important in the book. Emery can manipulate air and Heaton can breathe underwater. Will we need them for the isles at some point? One can help with the winds, right? And the other can go underwater?
I was wondering when we were going to learn more about Jack, and it turns out right now! And OMG, right off the bat, we get an Easter egg:
“‘And if I’d rather meet Malek?’ he challenges.
‘Does your kind meet Malek?’”
You probably know my theory by now—Violet needs to meet Malek one way or another. So that begs the question: will Xaden be able to meet Malek?
I push the silver-hued substance toward him. Silver. That’s the pure power imbued in the alloy? Silver? Like Violet’s hair. Like her lightning. Is that a coincidence?
Talking to Jack is pretty impressive, as we immediately learn quite a bit about venin. Dare I say, I wish she would spend more time with him. We find out that venin can sense each other when they are not adept at hiding themselves. This allows a Sage to find them, but in rare cases—like Jack and Xaden—a maven can take interest. Berwyn.
Sages and mavens are not detectable as they are great at hiding themselves. I do wonder—how do they achieve this? It means they can do something about their red eyes, right? They can camouflage.
“Ask why only initiates bleed.” Wait, what? What do you mean only initiates bleed? What happens to the rest?
[…] “bypass the gatekeepers and take what’s rightfully ours.” To venin, dragons and gryphons are gatekeepers. As I said before, could it be that there has to be an exchange for what they (dragons and gryphons) take from the ground?
“You conveniently see me as the villain, but you’re bonded to two.” This is not the first time Jack mentions this. To venin, dragons really are the villains. I feel like these pieces of conversation are incredible Easter eggs that will come in handy in the chapters to come—or maybe even in future books.
I guess the next part is the highlight of the chapter.
“We trade some of our autonomy in exchange for unfettered access to power. Maybe you see it as a loss of our soul, but we aren’t burdened by conscience or weakened by emotional attachment.”
Venin do not have emotions. They do not have conscience. What does this mean for Xaden?
“We advance based on our own capabilities, our own talents, and not at the whim of some creature.” Does this mean some young venin can progress to maven in record time based on talent? This would reiterate my theory on who Berwyn is and why his face always looks so young.
“There’s no cure because magic does not negotiate, and we do not wish to be cured.”
Magic does not negotiate. What was taken cannot be returned. And Jack is wrong—some venin do not wish to be cured. Others do. And maybe magic does not negotiate, but those who have access to it might. Who has access to magic before creatures? My guess? Gods.
“It was never our continent. From the very beginning, it was theirs, and we were simply allowed to live here.”—THE JOURNAL OF WARRICK OF LUCERAS—TRANSLATED BY CADET VIOLET SORRENGAIL (Iron Flame)
The chapter ends with Imogen wiping Jack’s recent memories. Imogen and Violet exit the cell, only to find the other three—Rhiannon, Ridoc, and Sawyer—waiting in the tunnel.
Onyx Storm Read Along
- Onyx Storm Read Along: Prologue
- Onyx Storm Read Along – Chapter 1
- Onyx Storm Read Along – Chapter 2
- Onyx Storm Read Along – Chapter 3
- Onyx Storm Read Along – Chapter 4
- Onyx Storm Read Along – Chapter 5
- Onyx Storm Read Along – Chapter 6
- Onyx Storm Read Along – Chapter 7
- Onyx Storm Read Along – Chapter 8
- Onyx Storm Read Along – Chapter 9
- Onyx Storm Read Along – Chapter 10
- Onyx Storm Read Along – Chapter 11
- Onyx Storm Read Along – Chapter 12
- Onyx Storm Read Along – Chapter 13
- Onyx Storm Read Along – Chapter 14
- Onyx Storm Read Along – Chapter 15
- Onyx Storm Read Along – Chapter 16
- Onyx Storm Read Along – Chapter 17
- Onyx Storm Read Along – Chapter 18
- Onyx Storm Read Along – Chapter 19
- Onyx Storm Read Along – Chapter 20
- Onyx Storm Read Along – Chapter 21
- Onyx Storm Read Along – Chapter 22
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