Step into the world of Onyx Storm, the third thrilling installment in Rebecca Yarros’ Empyrean Series. This page is a celebration of the most powerful, emotional, and unforgettable quotes that make this book an absolute treasure.
I’ve carefully curated these standout moments. Whether you’re marking your favorite lines or simply reliving the magic of Onyx Storm, you’ll find everything you need here.
Whether you’re on the hunt for a specific quote or just looking to immerse yourself in the flawlessness of the Empyrean Series once more, you’re in the perfect place. Feel free to share these quotes with other fans and keep the love for Onyx Storm soaring high!
By exploring the best of Onyx Storm, every word is lightened by its brilliance.
“And yet yours miraculously carry the burden of your ego.” – Andarna
“Pain isn’t a competition,” I assure him. “There’s always enough to go around.” – Violet
“I could reach the rank of Maven, lead armies of dark wielders against everyone we care for, and watch every vein in my body turn red as I channel all the power in the Continent, and I would still love you. What I did doesn’t change that. I’m not sure anything can.” – Xaden
“Our dragons came looking for us. They knew what they were doing.” -Xaden
“It really pisses me off when you guys act like my sense of humor somehow lessens my ability to show up for our squad.” – Ridoc
“I’ll use Tyrrendor to protect you, not you to protect Tyrrendor.” – Xaden
“You don’t speak” […] “Not to me. As far as I’m concerned, you have the credibility of a drunkard and the integrity of a rat. You dare complain about missing six years of information on Aretia when you’ve hidden centuries of our continent’s history from public knowledge?” – Aretia
“For fuck’s sake, you’re supposed to be the civilized isle! ” – Ridoc
“Your death would annoy me.” – Glane
“Are humans so rare in Navarre that you must share?” – Irid Dragon
“You preach peace while only having known its privilege” – Andarna
“You are an inconvenience for which there is no adequate measurement” – Sgaeyl
“We made it a good one.” – Quinn
“Do not dehydrate on my account” – Tairn
“I’m going to hurt you.”
“Gods, don’t I know it.” He nods – Sloane and Dain
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