“The Fables of the Barren” is a proscribed tome that narrates grim folklore tales of venin and wyvern, creatures considered to be mythical. Violet Sorrengail possesses a copy of this book, a gift from her father, Mr Sorrengail.
Given that no other copy exists in The Archives at the Scribes Quadrant, Violet swiftly discerns that this is not just an ordinary book, but a forbidden tome.
About the Fables of the Barren
The fables recount tales of an expansive ancient kingdom, stretching from one ocean to another, and a monumental war sparked by three brothers vying for control over the kingdom’s magic. Some fables narrate the stories of the first riders who formed bonds with dragons, cautioning that these bonds could backfire if the riders attempted to harness excessive power. Others speak of a pervasive evil that swept across the kingdom when humans were corrupted by dark magic, transforming into venomous creatures known as venin who bred winged beasts called wyvern. Another fable warns about the perils of drawing power from the earth rather than the skies.
Chapters from The Fables of the Barren
For there, in the land beyond the shadows, were monsters that dwelled in the night and dined on the souls of children who wandered too close to the woods. – “THE WYVERN’S CRY”
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