The Codex is the rule book for the Riders Quadrant. It is a fraction of the length of any other divisions.
Article One, Section One
A dragon without its rider is a tragedy. A rider without their dragon is dead.
Article One, Section Two
A dragon determines its last flight, and its rider’s.
Article Two, Section One
Riders outside quadrant chain of command can’t interfere with cadet matters.
Article Two, Section Three
Impersonating a commissioned officer is a punishable offence.
Article Three, Section Two
It’s an executable offense to attack any cadet while sleeping.
Article Three, Section Six, Addendum B
A rider may only bring to the quadrant the items they can carry, and they shall not be separated from those items, no matter what they may be. For once, carried across the parapet, they are considered part of their person.
Article Three, Section Unknown
It is unlawful for a rider to cause another harm while in a quadrant formation or in the supervision of a superior-ranking cadet, as it will diminish the efficacy of the wing.
Article Unknown
People within the same squad cannot kill each other.
Article Four, Section One
That all cadet belongings are subject to search at the discretion of command
Article Four, Section Two
Discipline of a cadet falls to their chain of command before being brought to cadre.
Article Four, Section Three
Without cause and calling a quorum of wingleaders, other Riders Quadrant leaders cannot be harmed.
Article Four, Section Four
A wingleader has the authority and duty to maintain—
Article Five, Section Seven
Though not forbidden, cadets are strongly encouraged not to develop strong romantic attachments while studying in the quadrant for the efficiency of the unit.
Though the chain of command may be consulted, the final say in any academic punishment or repercussion lies with the commandant’s office.
While cadets are strongly encouraged not to form romantic attachments while studying in the quadrant, lieutenants are permitted to marry whomever they choose upon graduation.
Article Eight, Section One
Calling cadets into active service in times of war may only be authorized by the Commanding General of Basgiath.
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